Employee incentives engineering: towards a decision support system

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the key challenges organisations face is how to enhance the level of performance of their employees. This research focuses on how incentive practices can be used to stimulate employee motivation. While there are various useful models that can be consulted with regards to the development of an incentive plan, the models do not address incentive plan design considerations in sufficient detail. Recognising that the performance of organisations is adversely affected by employees who are not appropriately incentivised, and that existing research is extensive yet difficult to utilise, this research contemplated how organisations can utilise the existing literature to enhance organisational performance. This challenge is addressed through the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) that can be used to improve an organisation’s employee incentive practices. The research takes a systems engineering approach, with problem-solving at its core and with pragmatism as its main philosophical perspective, and draws from a variety of disciplines to solve problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline. The research is divided into two main phases: A structured literature review, and the development of a DSS. While the findings from the structured literature review and the developed DSS are rigorous and detailed, it must be noted that the answer to the research question lies in the processes and underlying framework that the research designed. Prospective development in the theoretical landscape behind employee motivation and incentives hence poses no problem; the structured literature review can be repeated at any time to reflect this, and the DSS is able to be amended to incorporate any changes in the findings. The first phase of this research identifies thirteen Primary Incentive plan design Considerations (PICs), the most important considerations that must be taken into account in the design or development of an incentive plan, through a systematic and structured identification process. The thirteen PICs are a unique amalgamation from influential research papers that deal with incentives and motivation from various disciplines. The second phase continues by using the thirteen PICs as the basis, towards the design of a DSS. The DSS is in the form of a knowledge-driven personal decision support system that acts in an advisory capacity and is composed of a knowledge base, model base, and user interface. The DSS can be used to evaluate and improve practices regarding employee incentives. Decision-making is improved both in terms of quality and speed. The use of the DSS is demonstrated through a series of hypothetical illustrative case studies and validated externally by means of interviews with experts. On a high level this research increases the relevance and usability of existing knowledge by analysing existing insights and information, and structuring them into a form that is more conducive to decision-making.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die hoof uitdagings wat organisasies in die gesig staar is hoe om hulle werknemers se vlak van werkverrigting te verhoog. Hierdie navorsing se fokus is gerig op hoe om aansporingsgebruike aan te wend sodat dit werknemermotivering stimuleer. Alhoewel daar verskeie nuttige modelle is wat met die ontwikkeling van ‘n aansporingsplan geraadpleeg kan word, spreek dit nie oorwegings aangaande die ontwerp daarvan in voldoende detail aan nie. Met die erkenning dat organisasies se werksverrigting negatief deur werknemers wat nie behoorlik gemotiveer word nie, beïnvloed word, en dat die bestaande navorsing uitgebreid maar tog moeilik bruikbaar is, het hierdie navorsing oorweeg hoe organisasies die bestaande literatuur kan aanwend. Hierdie uitdaging word aangespreek deur die ontwerp van ‘n Besluitsnemingsondersteuningstelsel (BOS) wat gebruik kan word om ‘n organisasie se werknemeraansporingsgebruike te verbeter. Die navorsing neem die benadering van stelselsingenieurswese aan, met probleemoplossing as kern en pragmatisme as hoof filosofiese perspektief, en benut verskeie dissiplines om probleme, wat se oplossings buite die bestek van ‘n enkele dissiplines val, op te los. Die navorsing is in twee hooffases verdeel: ‘n gestruktureerde literatuurstudie en die ontwerp van ‘n BOS. Alhoewel die bevindinge van die gestruktureerde literatuurstudie en die BOS wat ontwerp is streng en gedetaileerd is, is dit belangrik om uit te wys dat die antwoord op die navorsingsvraag in die prosesse en die onderliggende raamwerk wat die navorsing ontwerp het lê. Moontlike verdere ontwikkeling in die teoretiese landskap dienooreenkomstig werknemermotivering en –aansporing hou daarom geen probleem voor nie; die gestruktureerde literatuurstudie kan enige tyd herhaal word om dit te weerspieël, en die BOS kan aangepas word om enige veranderinge in die bevindinge te inkorporeer. Die eerste fase van hierdie navorsing identifiseer dertien Primêre aansporingsplanontwerp Oorwegings (PO’s), die belangrikste oorwegings wat met die ontwerp van ‘n aansporingsplan in aggeneem moet word, deur middle van ‘n stelselmatige en gestruktureerde identifiseringsproses. Die dertien PO’s is ‘n unieke samesmelting van invloedryke navorsingsstukke van verskeie dissiplines wat met aansporing en motivering te make het. Die tweede fase gaan dan verder aan, met die gebruik van die dertien PO’s as basis, na die ontwerp van ‘n BOS. Die BOS neem die vorm van ‘n kennisgedrewe persoonlike besluitnemingsondersteuningstelsel wat in ‘n raadgewende hoedanigheid optree en uit ‘n kennisbasis, modelbasis en gebruikerskoppelvlak bestaan. Die BOS kan gebruik word om gebruike aangaande werknemeraansporings te evalueer en te verbeter. Besluitneming word in terme van beide kwaliteit en spoed verbeter. Die gebruik van die BOS word deur ‘n reeks hipotetiese illustrerende gevallestudies gedemonstreer en ekstern gevalideer deur onderhoude met deskundiges. Op ‘n hoë vlak vermeerder hierdie navorsing die relevansie en bruikbaarheid van bestaande kennis deur bestaande insigte en inligting te analiseer, en dit tot ‘n vorm wat meer bevorderlik vir besluitneming is, te struktureer.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Employee incentives, UCTD, Employee -- Performance motivation, Decision support systems