The use of phosphoric acid as an alternative phosphorus source in broiler chicken production

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the broiler industry, it has become common practice to supplement diets with feed grade phosphates and in doing so provide sufficient available phosphorus to meet the birds’ requirements. Supplemented phosphates provide a large portion of the total available phosphorus within the diet and any small differences in the availability could have significant effects on whether or not the bird meets its nutritional requirements for phosphorus. If the bird’s phosphorus requirements are not met, the implications are detrimental, not only to the bird but also to the farmers’ flock productivity. Two experiments were conducted; the objectives of the first experiment were to assess the phosphorus bioavailability and nutrient and mineral coefficient of total tract digestibility (CTTD) of a feed grade inorganic phosphate source, defluorinated phosphoric acid by means of a digestibility study. Five treatments were used in this trial. Two diets made the basis of the treatments, a summit diet, only supplemented with mono-dicalcium phosphate (MDCP), and a dilution diet, only supplemented with phosphoric acid. These were mixed in ratios of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75: and 0:100 respectively. The second experiment assessed the effect of supplementing broiler diets with either defluorinated phosphoric acid or defluorinated and desulfonated phosphoric acid. The control diet used was supplemented with MDCP. The phosphoric acids were included in the diets at two inclusion levels, based on dietary total phosphorus levels and available phosphorus levels. Furthermore, during the mixing of the diets, the phosphoric acids were either added to the diets’ grain component (maize, soybean 46 and full fat soya meal) before any of the remaining macro minerals were added or added to the diet last after all the other ingredients had been sufficiently incorporated. These treatment differences resulted in eight test dietary treatments. The objectives for this experiment were threefold: (i) to evaluate the effects of the dietary treatments on production parameters; (ii) to determine the influence of the dietary treatments on carcass characteristics and meat quality and (iii) to investigate the effect of the dietary treatments on broiler organ weights, intestinal pH and bone parameters. The phosphorus bioavailability of the phosphoric acid (PA) showed to be greatest and revealed high digestibility values of all nutrients and minerals. For the second experiment, both PAs resulted in ideal measurements of the production parameters (live weight, cumulative weight gain, cumulative intake, feed conversion ratio, average daily gain, European production efficiency factor and protein efficiency ratio) regardless of when the PA was added to the diet during mixing. However, when acid inclusion levels were based on the diet’s total phosphorus, these values decreased significantly irrespective of the method of mixing. Liveability was also affected by treatment differences, as a result of sodium poisoning in the control diet on day 14 for approximately 26 hours, and P deprivation in the final week of the trial. Concerning the carcass characteristics and meat quality, carcass portion weights of the thigh, drumstick and wing, as well as the breast colour CIE-Lab L*, a* and b* measurements together with the chroma values showed differences. Hue angle was not significantly affected by the treatment differences. No obvious indication was found for the cause of the portion weight difference, and the breast colour, although different, was found to be normal for all treatments. Bone breakage strength was affected by dietary treatment differences. The birds that were fed diets with sufficient PA inclusion levels, based on the dietary available phosphorus, had significantly greater breakage strength and were not affected by the different mixing methods used between treatments. Organ weights relative to body weight, tibia calcium and phosphorus content and the pH reading of the small intestine, except the cecum, were not influenced by the dietary treatment differences. The cecum from birds of all the treatments was found to be more acidic than normal. Overall, the results show PA to be a highly available phosphorus supplement in broiler diets with competitive CTTD values. Furthermore, PA’s were not the cause of any negative effects on growth performance, carcass characteristics, meat quality, gut and bone parameters. Therefore, these two inorganic phosphate sources are ideal sources of phosphorus and can be used in broiler diets to ensure growth and production are maintained as expected with no adverse effects on the bird’s health.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die braaikuiken industrie is dit algemene praktyk om voere met voergraad fosfate aan te vul ten einde voldoende fosfor (P) te voorsien om aan die diere se behoefte te voldoen. Hierdie aanvullings voorsien die grootste gedeelte van die totale beskikbare P in die dieet en ʼn klein verandering in die beskikbaarheid kan bepalend wees of daar aan die P behoeftes voldoen word al dan nie. Indien daar nie aan die behoeftes voldoen word nie is die gevolge nadelig, nie net vir die dier nie maar ook vir die effektiwiteit van die produsent. Twee proewe is uitgevoer; die doelwitte van die eerste proef was om die P biobeskikbaarheid en nutriënt- en minerale verteerbaarheid van voergraad anorganiese fosfaatbronne en defluorineerde fosforsuur (PA) te bepaal deur middel van ʼn verteringsproef. Die proef het uit vyf behandelings bestaan. Twee diëte is gemeng as die basis vir die behandelings, ʼn maksimum insluitingsdieet en ʼn verdunningsdieet. Die maksimum insluitingsdieet het slegs mono-dikalsium fosfaat (MDCP) bevat terwyl die verdunningsdieet slegs PA bevat het as P bron. Hierdie twee diëte is vermeng in ʼn verhouding van 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75: en 0:100. Die tweede proef het ten doel gehad om die invloed van die gebruik van gedefluorineerde PA en gedefluorineerde en gedesulfoneerde PA op die produksieparameters en vleiskwaliteitseienskappe van braaikuikens te bepaal. Die PA’e is ingesluit by twee insluitingspeile gebaseer op die totale (tP) en beskikbare P (aP) vlakke. Verder is die vermenging van die PA’e gevariëer. In die een geval is die PA gemeng met die graan komponent (mielies, soja oliekoekmeel en volvet soja) voordat die res van die voormengsel bygevoeg is of die PA’e is toegevoeg aan die einde van die mengproses nadat alle ander bestanddele reeds toegevoeg is. Hierdie het tot agt behandelings aanleiding gegee. Die doelwit van die proef was drievoudig: (i) om die invloed van die behandelings op produksieparameters te bepaal; (ii) om die invloed van die behandelings op karkas- en vleiskwaliteit eienskappe te bepaal en (iii) om die invloed van die behandelings op orgaanmassa, ingewands pH en beenparameters te bepaal. Die P-beskikbaarheid van die gedefluorineerde PA was die hoogste en het ook aanleiding gegee tot die hoogste verteerbaarheidswaardes vir alle ander nutriënte en minerale. Beide PA’e het aanleiding gegee tot ideale produksie parameters (lewende massa, massa toename, kumulatiewe voerinname, voeromsetverhouding, gemiddelde daaglikse toename, Europese produksie effektiwiteit faktor en proteïen effektiwiteit verhouding), hierdie resultaat was onverwant aan die mengprosedure. Wanneer insluitingspeile van P gebaseer was op totale P het hierdie waardes aansienlik verswak en oorlewingstempo was ook negatief beïnvloed. Die verswakte oorlewing was eerstens as gevolg van die oorvoorsiening van Na vir ongeveer 26 uur vanaf dag 14 en tweedens as gevolg van P tekorte tydens die laaste week van die proef. Karkaseienskappe en vleiskwaliteit (porsie massa, borsvleis kleur) is deur behandeling beïnvloed maar die rede hiervoor was nie ooglopend nie. Alle kleur metings was normaal vir alle behandelings en verskille wat gemeet is, was klein en verslille is waarskynlik nie met die blote oog waarneembaar nie. Beensterkte is deur behandeling beïnvloed. Die kuikens wat voer ontvang het volgens aP het sterker bene gehad as die wat voer volgens tP ontvang het. Die mengmetode het geen invloed op beensterkte gehad nie. Orgaanmassa uitgedruk as verhouding tot liggaamsmassa, tibia Ca en P inhoud en pH van die dunderm is nie deur behandeling beïnvloed nie. Samevattend kan dit gestel word dat die gebruik van PA ʼn hoogs beskikbare P bron vir braaikuikens is met geen negatiewe uitwerking op produksieparameters, karkas- of vleiskwaliteit eienskappe, SVK of been parameters nie.
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.
Phosphoric acid as feed, Broilers (Chickens) -- Productivity, Broilers (Chickens) -- Nutrition, Broilers (Chickens) -- Feeds, UCTD