The biosynthesis of adrenal C 11-oxy C21 steroids, implicated in 21-hydroxylase deficiency-21-desoxycortisol and 21 desoxycortisone and their downstream metabolism

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adrenal C19 steroids are often implicated in numerous androgen dependent disease conditions. Androgen excess is the hallmark of 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) fuelled by an increase in the production of adrenal androgens and androgen precursors. In addition, increased levels of progesterone (P4) and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP4), the substrates of the defective cytochrome P450 steroid 21-hydroxylase, have also been reported. Adrenal steroids are secreted into circulation, for further downstream metabolism. Conversion of adrenal steroids to active androgens in peripheral target tissue is dependent on the tissue specific expression of key enzymes, which significantly influence steroid profiles at cellular level, ultimately influencing homeostasis in androgen responsive tissue. In 21OHD, the conversion of P4 and 17OHP4 in an alternative metabolic pathway to the potent androgen, dihydrotestosterone, is reported, which has been described as the backdoor pathway. The accumulation of P4 and 17OHP4 furthermore present substrates for 11β-hydroxylation by the cytochrome P450 11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B) isozymes. In this study the catalytic activity of the CYP11B isozymes towards P4 and 17OHP4 are presented. CYP11B1 and CYP11B2, also termed cytochrome P450 aldosterone synthase, transiently expressed in HEK293 cells, effectively utilised P4 and 17OHP4 as substrates, yielding 11β-hydroxyprogesterone (11OHP4) and 21-desoxycortisol (DOF). Catalytic conversions of DOF and 21-desoxycortisone (DOE), the C11-keto derivative of DOF, together with P4 and 17OHP4, were assayed in HEK293 cells transiently transfected with steroid 5α-reductase type 1 or type 2 (SRD5A1 or SRD5A2). Conversion of DOF, DOE, P4 and 17OHP4 by the SRD5A isozymes, yielded 5α-pregnan-11β, 17α-diol-3, 20-dione (11OHPdione) and 5α-pregnan-17α-ol-3, 11, 20-trione (11KPdione), dihydroprogesterone and 5α-pregnan-17α-ol-3, 20-dione (Pdione), respectively. We identified these novel steroids, 11OHPdione and 11KPdione, which were converted to the novel products 5α-pregnan-3α, 11β, 17α-triol-20-one and 5α-pregnane-3α, 17α-diol-11, 20-dione by 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 (AKR1C2) catalysed conversions in transiently transfected HEK293 cells by accurate mass determination. Metabolism of DOF in LNCaP cells, yielded DOE, 11β-hydroxyandrosterone and 11-ketoandrosterone, indicative of the conversion by endogenous 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, SRD5A, AKR1C2 and cytochrome P450 17α-hydroxylase/17, 20 lyase (CYP17A1) enzymes. These findings shows that DOF, produced in 21OHD, can be metabolised via the C11-oxy Pdione en Pdiol (5α-pregnan-3α, 17α-diol-20-one) intermediates to suitable substrates for the lyase activity of CYP17A1 thus leading to the production of C11-oxy C19 steroids. Taken together, the biosynthesis of C11-oxy C21 steroids, together with their metabolism by the enzymes in the backdoor pathway, yielded novel steroid metabolites contributing to the pool of potent androgens in 21OHD, with said steroids also presenting possible biomarkers in disease identification.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Adrenale steroïede word dikwels geïdentifiseer as belangrike rolspelers in verskeie androgeen-afhanklike siektetoestande. Androgeen oormaat word deur die bank tydens 21-hidroksilase gebrek (21OHD) waargeneem, met stygings in die bloedvlakke van adrenale androgene en androgeenvoorlopers. Daarbenewens, word verhoogde vlakke van sitochroom P450 steroïed 21-hydroksilase (CYP21A2) substrate, progesteroon (P4) en 17α-hidroksiprogestoroon (17OHP4), ook waargeneem. Adrenale steroïede word in sirkulasie vrygestel en word verder gemetaboliseer. Die produksie van aktiewe androgene vanaf adrenale steroïede in teiken weefsel is afhanklik van die uitdrukking van sleutel ensieme in daardie weefsel wat die androgeenprofiel op sellulêre vlak sal beïnvloed en uiteindelik sal bydra tot homeostase in weefsel wat androgeen sensitief is. Die metabolisme van P4 en 17OHP4 na die aktiewe androgeen, dihidrotestosteroon, in ‟n alternatiewe metaboliese padweg, is reeds beskryf in 21OHD, genaamd die „agterdeur‟ padweg. In die bynier dien P4 en 17OHP4 in 21OHD as substrate vir 11β-hidroksilasie deur die sitochroom P450 11β-hidroksilase (CYP11B) isosieme. In hierdie studie is die katalitiese aktiwiteit van die CYP11B isosieme teenoor P4 en 17OHP4 ondersoek. Beide isosieme CYP11B1 en CYP11B2, oftewel sitochroom P450 aldosteroon sintase, uitgedruk in HEK293 selle, het P4 en 17OHP4 effektief gekataliseer en onderskeidelik na 11β-hidroksiprogesteroon (11OHP4) en 21-desoksikortisol (DOF) omgesit. Die katalitiese omskakelings van DOF en 21-desoksikortisoon (DOE), die C11-keto derivaat van DOF, tesame met P4 en 17OHP4 deur steroïed 5α-reduktase tipe 1 en tipe 2 (SRD5A1 en SRD5A2) uitgedruk in HEK293 selle is uitgevoer. In die SRD5A gekataliseerde reaksies is DOF, DOE, P4 en 17OHP4 onderskeidelik omgeskakel na 5α-pregnan-11β, 17α-diool-3, 20-dioon (11OHPdioon) en 5α-pregnan-17α-ol-3, 11, 20-trioon (11KPdioon), dihidroprogesteroon en 5α-pregnan-17-ol-3, 20-dioon (Pdioon). Beide hierdie steroïede, 11OHPdioon en 11KPdioon, tesame met 5α-pregnan-3α, 11β, 17α-triool-20-oon en 5α-pregnane-3α, 17α-diool-11, 20-dioon, die onderskeidelike produkte van die 3α-hidroksisteroïed dehydrogenase tipe 3 (AKR1C2) gekataliseerde reaksies, ook uitgedruk in HEK293 selle is geïdentifiseer met behulp van akurate massa bepalings. Hierdie vier steoïede is tot op datum nog nie voorheen beskryf nie. Die metabolisme van DOF in LNCaP selle het DOE, 11β-hidroksiandrosteroon en 11-ketoandrosteroon gelewer, reaksies gekataliseer deur endogene 11β-hidroksisteroïed dihidrogenase tipe 2, SRD5A, AKR1C2 en sitochroom P450 17α-hidroksilase/ 17, 20 lyase (CYP17A1) ensieme. Hierdie bevinding dui daarop dat DOF, in 21OHD gemetaboliseer word via die C11-oksi Pdioon en Pdiool (5α-pregnan-3α, 17α-diool-20-oon) intermediate, geskikte substrate is vir die liaseaktiwiteit van CYP17A1 en waarvan die eindprodukte die C11-oksi C19 steroïede is. Ten slotte, die biosintese van C11-oksi C21 steroïede, tesame met hul metabolisme deur die ensieme in die „agterdeur‟ padweg, lewer unieke steroïede wat bydrae tot aktiewe androgeenvlakke in 21OHD, steroïede wat ook as potensiële biomerkers vir die siekte dien.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Adrenal steroids, Desoxycortisone, Hydroxylase deficiency, Biochemical markers, UCTD