An investigation of the effects of school leadership on learners’ achievements in the Oshikoto Region: Education Directorate

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: School principals play a proactive role in the performance of teachers and learners. The type of leadership a school principal is using is an important factor that determines the way in which the school performs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of school principals’ leadership styles in the performances of learners in the Oshikoto Region. The study sought to answer the following questions: (1) What are the effects of school leadership on learners’ achievement in the Oshikoto Region: Education Directorate? (2) What are the leadership characteristics and behaviours that affect learners’ achievement as perceived by principals and teachers in the Oshikoto Region? (3) What are the leadership styles that affect learners’ achievement in the Oshikoto Region? (4) What conclusions can the study draw and what recommendations can the study make regarding the effects of leadership on learners’ academic achievement in the Oshikoto Region? The study adopted a quantitative research design through the use of a questionnaire with closed-ended and open-ended questions which were administered to 140 teachers and 6 school principals who were all selected through a one-stage cluster sampling technique. Findings of the study show that principals in the Oshikoto Region are predominantly using autocratic and laissez-faire types of leadership. In addition, the study unveiled that poor supervisory techniques on the part of the principals and poor internal relations are main factors contributing to poor learners’ performance in school in the Oshikoto Region. The study recommended that school principals who do not have the right leaderhip training skills must be enrolled for appropriate leadership training. Furthermore, the study recommended that the Ministry of Education should continue working together with novice school principals to assist them in the deliberation of work in a bid to improve learners’ performance.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Skoolhoofde speel ’n proaktiewe rol in die prestasie van onderwysers en leerders. Die soort leierskap wat ’n skoolhoof bied, is ’n belangrike faktor wat die prestasie van ’n skool bepaal. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die effek van skoolhoofde se leierskapstyle op die prestasie van leerders in die Oshikoto-streek te ondersoek. Die studie ondersoek die volgende navorsingsvrae: (1) Watter effekte het skoolleierskap op leerders se prestasie in die Direktoraat Onderwys: Oshikoto-streek? (2) Wat behels die leierskapeienskappe en -optrede wat leerders se prestasie beïnvloed volgens skoolhoofde en onderwysers in die Oshikoto-streek? (3) Wat is die leierskapstyle wat leerders se prestasie in die Oshikoto-streek beïnvloed? (4) Watter gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings kan gemaak word rakende die effek van leierskap op leerders se akademiese prestasie in die Oshikoto-streek? Die studie maak gebruik van ’n kwantitatiewe navorsingsontwerp met behulp van vraelyste met oop en geslote vrae wat aan 140 onderwysers en 6 skoolhoofde uitgedeel is wat deur middel van ’n enkelfase-klustersteekproef geselekteer is. Die studie se bevindinge wys dat skoolhoofde in die Oshikoto-streek hoofsaaklik outokratiese en laissez faire-tipes leierskap gebruik. Verder het die studie uitgewys dat swak supervisiepraktyke op die beurt van die skoolhoofde, tesame met swak interne verhoudinge, hooffaktore is wat bydra tot leerders se swak prestasie in skole in die Oshikoto-streek. Die studie beveel aan dat skoolhoofde wat nie die regte leierskapsopleiding of -vaardighede het nie, moet inskryf vir die geskikte leierskapsopleiding. Verder beveel die studie aan dat die Ministerie van Onderwys moet aanhou saamwerk met nuwelingskoolhoofde om hulle by te staan in die beplanning van hul werk om leerders se prestasie te verbeter.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
School leadership, Academic achievement, Public schools -- Management, School principals -- Training of, UCTD