The use of crisis intervention with parents of children identified as in need of care and protection: experiences of social workers.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Child maltreatment is a challenge of global concern. Definitions of child maltreatment usually are stipulated in a country’s policies and legislations such as the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 in South Africa. It is generally accepted that family dysfunctioning is a consequence of factors such as poverty, environmental stressors, feelings of powerlessness as well as frustration in parents. Parents of children in need of care may often experience an existential crisis when they are confronted with a variety of internal and interpersonal challenges in resource-limited environments. Various factors such as parents’ history of abuse, substance abuse, parental stress and mental illness can be the cause of parents’ abuse of their children. Child neglect and abuse is escalating in South Africa. This alarming increase calls for the utilisation of social work models such as the crisis intervention model with parents of children identified to be in need of care and protection. Social workers are equipped to provide intervention that enable clients to find solutions for their problems, such as child maltreatment. The goal of the study, therefore, was to obtain the social worker’s understanding of and experiences with the use of crisis intervention with parents of children identified to be in need of care and protection. A qualitative approach was used together with an exploratory and descriptive design. A semi-structured interview schedule was used to collect data from twenty social workers employed by the Department of Social Development. The findings of the study revealed that social workers are experiencing challenges such as parents’ aggressive behaviour and lack of cooperation, during the intervention process. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that social workers need to reflect more purposefully on their experiences of how and why they utilise crisis intervention with parents of children identified to be in need of care and protection.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Kindermishandeling is ‘n saak van globale belang. Definisies van kindermishandeling word gewoonlik vervat in ‘n land se beleid en wetgewing soos die Kinderwet nommer 38 van 2005, in Suid Afrika. Daar word algemeen aanvaar dat gesin disfunksionering die gevolg is van faktore soos armoede omgewing stressors, gevoelens van magteloosheid, sowel as ouerfrustrasies. Ouers van sorgbehoewende kinders ondervind dikwels 'n eksistensiële krisis wanneer hulle gekonfronteer word met verskeie interne en interpersoonlike uitdagings in omgewings waar hulpbronne beperk is. Verskeie faktore soos ouers se geskiedenis van kindermishndeling afhanklikheid aan dwelms of geestesongesteldheid kan die oorsaak wees van ouers se mishandeling van hulle kinders. Suid Afrika ondervind ‘n toename in kindermishandeling. Hierdie ontstellende toename noodsaak die gebruik van maatskaplike werk modelle, soos die krisisinterversie model toename met ouers van geïdentifiseerde sorgbehoewende kinders. Maatskaplike werkers is toegerus om intervensie te verskaf wat kliënte instaat stel om oplossing vir hulle probleem soos kindermishandeling te vind. Die doel van hierdie studie was om maatskaplike werker se begrip van en ervaring met die gebruik van krisisintervensie met ouers van sorgbehoewende kinders vas te stel. ‘n Kwalitatiewe benadering is gebruik saam met ‘n verkennende en beskrywende ontwerp. ‘n Semi-gestruktureerde vraelys is gebruik om data te versamal van twintig maatskaplike werkers in diens van die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling. Die bevindinge van die studie dui aan dat maatskalpike werkers uitdagings, soos ouers aggressiewe gedrag en ‘n gebrek aan samewerking, ervaar gedurende die intervensieproses. Gebaseer op die bevinding van die studie word aanbeveel dat maatskaplike werkers meer doelgering moet reflekteer oor hulle eie ervaring van hoe en waarom hulle krisisintervensie gebruik met ouers van kinders wat as sorgbehoewende geïdentifiseer is.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016
Child abuse and neglect, Social work with children, Child welfare, Crisis intervention -- Children, Child psychology, UCTD