Browsing by Author "Kong, V. Y."
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- ItemAn analysis of adverse events and human error associated with the imaging of patients at a major trauma centre in South Africa(Health & Medical Publishing Group, 2019) Bashir, A. A.; Kong, V. Y.; Buitendag, J. J. P.; Manchev, V.; Bekker, W.; Bruce, J. L.; Laing, G. L.; Brysiewicz, P.; Clarke, D. L.Background. There is growing realisation that human error contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality in modern healthcare. A number of taxonomies and classification systems have been developed in an attempt to categorise errors and quantify their impact. Objectives. To record and identify adverse events and errors as they impacted on acute trauma patients undergoing a computed tomography (CT) scan, and then quantify the effect this had on the individual patients. It is hoped that these data will provide evidence to develop error prevention programmes designed to reduce the incidence of human error. Methods. The trauma database was interrogated for the period December 2012 - April 2017. All patients aged >18 years who underwent a CT scan for blunt trauma were included. All recorded morbidity for these patients was reviewed. Results. During the period under review, a total of 1 566 patients required a CT scan at our institution following blunt trauma. Of these, 192 (12.3%, 134 male and 58 female) experienced an error related to the process of undergoing a CT scan. Of 755 patients who underwent a CT scan with intravenous contrast, detailed results were available for 312, and of these 46 (14.7%) had an acute deterioration in renal function. According to Chang’s taxonomy, physical harm occurred as follows: grade I n=6, grade II n=62, grade III n=45, grade IV n=11, grade V n=27, grade VI n=21, grade VII n=15, grade VIII n=3 and grade IX n=2. Adverse events were performing an unnecessary scan (n=24), omitting an indicated scan (n=23), performing the scan incorrectly (n=8), scanning the wrong body part (n=7), equipment failure (n=18), omitting treatment following the scan (n=6), incorrect interpretation of the scan (n=65), deterioration during the scan (n=6) and others (n=35). The setting for the error was the ward (n=19), the radiology suite (n=126), the emergency department (n=45) and the operating theatre (n=2). The staff responsible for the adverse events were medical (n=155), nursing (n=4) and radiology staff (n=15). There were 67 errors of commission and 125 errors of omission. The primary cause was a planning problem in 78 cases and an execution problem in 114. Conclusions. Errors and adverse events related to obtaining a CT scan following blunt polytrauma are not uncommon and may impact significantly on the patient. Communication is essential to eliminate errors related to performing the wrong type of scan. The commonest errors relate to misinterpretation of the scan.
- ItemAn overview of penetrating traumatic brain injuries at a major civilian trauma centre in South Africa(Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2019) Buitendag, J. J. P.; Ras, A.; Kong, V. Y.; Bruce, J. L.; Laing, G. L.; Clarke, D. L.; Brysiewicz, P.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study reviews our experience with penetrating Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in order to define and describe the injury pattern and the outcome. A secondary aim of this study was to review the use of the Motor Score (M Score) and the Simplified Motor Score (SMS) to assess and triage patients with penetrating TBI METHODS: All patients with a TBI secondary to a penetrating mechanism were identified from the Hybrid Electronic Medical Registry at Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Trauma Service (PMTS) from January 2012 to December 2014. Standard demographic data, need for neuro-surgical intervention, location of external wounds, CT findings and mortality where analysed. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) M score and SMS score were specifically evaluated to determine the relationship between the individual motor component and patient outcome RESULTS: Over the two-year period January 2012-December 2014, a total of 384 patients were admitted following a penetrating TBI. There were 350 males and 34 females and of this total 7 (1.82%) died. The mechanism of injury was axe (30), bottle (34), gunshot wound (GSW) (22) and stab wound (298). The average age for axe injuries was 27 and bottle injuries was 30. The average age for firearms and knives was 29 and 30 respectively Surgery was not required for 76.67% of patients. The need for surgery varied according to mechanism of injury. Axe injuries were treated non-operatively in 47.83%, bottle injuries in 87.50%, firearms 70% and knife injuries were treated non-operatively in 86.84% of cases. The overall survival rate for a penetrating head injury in this population is 98.16%. There were a total of 368 patients with a motor score of 6 of which one died. The survival rate was 99.7% and the mortality rate 0.3%. There were only 6 patients with a motor score of 5 and only 2 with a motor score of 4. The survival rate for both these groups was 100%. There was a total of 6 patients with a motor score of 1. There was a 100% mortality rate is this group. CONCLUSION: Penetrating TBI has a good prognosis. The vast majority of cases do not require neuro-surgical intervention. Poor motor score is associated with a poor outcome
- ItemThe spectrum of animal related injuries managed at a major trauma centre in South Africa(Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2019) Wessels, E. U.; Kong, V. Y.; Buitendag, J.; Moffatt, S.; Ras, A. B.; Ras, M.; Smith, M. T. D.; Laing, G. L.; Bruce, J. L.; Bekker, W.; Manchev, V.; Clarke, D. L.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Humans come into contact and interact with an array of animals in a number of areas and environments. We set out to review our experience with animal-related injuries in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa METHODS: All patients who sustained an injury secondary to an interaction with an animal in the period December 2012-December 2017 were identified from the Hybrid Electronic Medical Registry (HEMR RESULTS: There were 104 patients in the study sample. The mean age of patients in the study was 32.8 years, with a range from 1 to 76 years old. 75% (n = 78) were male and 25% (n = 26) female. Out of the 104 animal-related injuries, 67 were blunt trauma, 39 penetrating trauma and 3 a combination of blunt and penetrating trauma. The species causing trauma included dogs (53), horses (29), cows (18), buffalo (1), warthog (1), impala (1) and a single goat (1). The median time from injury to hospitalisation was 46.62 hours (range from 0 to 504 hours). Injuries occurred to the head (n = 32), face (n = 9), neck (n = 32), abdomen (n = 22), urogenital system (n = 6), upper limb (n = 39) and lower limb (n = 39). The Injury Severity Score (ISS) mean for the patients was 8.16, the range 1-4, the median 9 and the standard deviation 6.88. In 49 patients the treatment was non-operative. In the remaining 55 patients, a total of 68 operative procedures were required. Operations included wound debridement/surgical washout (n = 38), laparotomy (n = 9), arterial repair/ligation (n = 8), skin graft (n = 4), craniotomy (n = 5), fasciotomy (n = 2), amputation (n = 1), and placement of an ICP monitor (n = 1). 49 of these operations were for patients with dog bite injuries. The mean hospital stay was 0.13 days with a range of 0-4 days. Four patients were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and two patients died CONCLUSION: Human interactions with animals may result in injuries which require surgical treatment. The most common animal injury is a dog bite but in the case of the larger domestic farm animals, blunt force type injuries and goring can result in significant injuries which require complex surgical interventions.
- ItemThe spectrum of self inflicted injuries managed at a major trauma centre in South Africa(Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2019) Moffatt, S. E.; Kong, V. Y.; Weale, R. D.; Buitendag, J. P.; Ras, A. B.; Ras, M.; Smith, M.; Bruce, J. L.; Laing, G. L.; Clarke, D. L.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Self-harm behaviour is a major public health problem that is commonly underreported. This study reviews the spectrum of these self inflicted injuries managed by a major trauma centre in South Africa. METHODS: A retrospective review of the regional trauma registry was undertaken over a five-year period from December 2012 to December 2017 at the Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Trauma Service (PMTS) in South Africa. All patients who were admitted after they had sustained an injury as a result of self-harm were included. RESULTS: During the five-year study period, a total of 179 patients were included. The mean age was 29 years (SD12) and there were 139 (77%) males and 40 (23%) females. Of these, 16 had a previously established psychiatric diagnosis and two had a prior history of having sustained self-harm. The previously diagnosed psychiatric illnesses included mood dysphoria disorders (5), schizophrenia (3), substance abuse and dependency (1), anti-social personality disorder (1) and unspecified (6). The mechanism was penetrating trauma in 47 (26%). The penetrating mechanisms included stab wounds (SW) in 33, gunshot wounds (GSW) in 10, broken glass in 2 and a single impalement. Blunt mechanisms accounted for the remaining 131 (73%) injuries. The most common mechanism of blunt self-harm was hanging in 101 patients. This was followed by vehicular related trauma (8), jumping in front of a train (1) and jumping from a height (1). In 17 patients the exact mechanism of the blunt trauma was unclear. There was no statistical difference in the mechanism of injury between male and female patients. There were 38 (28%) men and 9 (23%) women who sustained a penetrating injury and there were 100 (72%) male and 31 (78%) female patients who had a blunt mechanism of injury. A total of 53 CT scans were obtained, 40 chest X-rays, 9 abdominal X-rays and 2 ultrasounds. There were 113 neck injuries, 68 head injuries, 24 abdominal injuries, 15 upper limb and 15 lower limb injuries and four facial injuries. A total of 32 operations were performed. These included laparotomy (14), neck exploration (5), tracheostomy (4). A total of 22 patients developed a complication CONCLUSION: Self-inflicted injury is not uncommon and frequently requires investigation and or surgical treatment. Patients who sustain such an injury constitute a distinct vulnerable group who are under researched. Future research on this vulnerable patient group is needed.