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- ItemChildren as hermeneutes : readings of the seven parables in Matthew thirteen(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001-03) Lloyd, Raymond Henry; Combrink, H. J. B.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This qualitative empirical study is located in one of the aims of Bible Skills which focuses on 'the Bible in today's world' and specifically on the foregrounding of the ordinary reader in recent research. The study aimed to answer two mutually dependent research questions about children as ordinary readers of the Bible. The first question was concerned with the sense children of ten make of the seven parabolic units in Matthew thirteen and the second with the children's hermeneutical processes and strategies. A small sample of thirteen Grade 5 learners was divided into three leaderless groups to work out over three discussion episodes what the parables meant to teach. A" discussions were audio-taped, transcribed and subject to a content analysis for features of the children's interpretations. The researcher's analysis of the readings was brought into dialogue with three previous critical assessments of the parables by trained readers. The discussion data were also used to make inferences regarding eight dimensions of the hermeneutical task. Two tentative conclusions relative to the two research questions were drawn from these observations. The children could readily conceptualize reading parables as a search for meaning and were we" able to discover together an agreed and intelliqible meaning of the allotted parables. The children also had available to them and could intuitively use an identifiable pattern of hermeneutical strategies. Several limitations of the study are considered, together with some implications for the study of the. Bible in religious education and some comments on further research.
- ItemFrom the exile to the Christ : exile, restoration and the interpretation of Matthew's gospel(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2002-12) Eloff, Mervyn; Combrink, H. J. B.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate by critical interaction with four key areas of Matthean research that 'restoration from exile' provides a valid and valuable hermeneutical prism for the interpretation of Matthew's gospel. The investigation is undertaken from a Reformed and Evangelical perspective and an inclusive approach is adopted with regard to hermeneutics, viz that interpretation should take note of the historical and literary and theological aspects of Matthew's gospel. The four key areas of investigation were chosen because they involve both particular texts and the gospel as a whole and are, respectively, Matthew's genealogy, Matthew's concept of Salvation History, the Plot of Matthew's gospel and Matthew's Use of the Old Testament. Each of these areas has already received extensive attention in Matthean scholarship, though in each case the question of'restoration from exile' has been almost entirely neglected. In each area, a brief critical survey of current scholarship is provided, both in terms of content and methodology. This survey is then followed by a discussion ofthe relevant texts and topics, demonstrating both the presence and the hermeneutical importance of the 'restoration from exile' theme. In this way, the thesis thus shows that 'restoration from exile' does indeed provide a valid though not exclusive, hermeneutical prism for the interpretation of Matthew's gospel and that such an interpretation casts fresh light on both familiar and more troublesome texts and topics of investigation. The final section of the thesis comprises a brief survey of the theme of 'restoration from exile' within the Hebrew Scriptures and a representative selection of early Jewish texts. On the basis of this survey, the conclusion is reached that despite the very real diversity within early Judaism, it is possible to conclude that perhaps the majority of Jews of the Second Temple Period saw themselves as still 'in exile', at least in theological and spiritual terms. This in turn suggests that Matthew's presentation of Jesus as the one, who by his death and resurrection brings the exile to an end, both for Israel and for the human race at large, is designed to meet a very real spiritual and theological need. Furthermore, the pervasive interest in 'restoration from exile' within representative texts from Second Temple Judaism, and Matthew's clear interest in this same theme, further support claims for the Jewish-Christian setting of Matthew 's gospel and its dual function of legitimization for the Matthean communities and evangelistic appeal to outsiders.
- ItemA narratological approach to the structure of the apocalypse of John(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2001-12) Jang, Young; Combrink, H. J. B.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to investigate the structure of the Apocalypse from the narratological viewpoint, to further the adequate interpretation of the book. Throughout this work. three things are presupposed: (1) the Apocalypse follows an episodic, non-chronological pattern; (2) the Apocalypse is a coherent unit: (3) the Apocalypse. as a genre. should be defined by means of form. content. and function. To start with. earlier attempts to reveal the structure of the Apocalypse are briefly dealt with in chapter 2. in order to establish both their weak and strong points. With these in mind. this study attempts a three-dimensional approach consisting of syntactic structure (form). semantic structure (content). and pragmatic structure (function). In chapter 3. this approach is supported by Chatman's narrative paradigm (1980) as a model for narrative analysis. In chapter 4, to establish the syntactic structure. we started by delimiting the whole text into many small parts - "partial narrative units" - by using various narrative elements. and then assembled the small sections into "basic (or complete) narrative units (BNU or ULl )" by using several identifying criteria for them. and continued to identify the "bigger narrative units" (UL2.3.4) by using various integrating strategies until the biggest narrative. which comprises the whole text as a coherent unit ( L.5). emerged. As a result. the narrative-svntactic structure (viz. the surface-level svntactic structure) , ' and the fundamental-syntucnc structure (viz. the deep-level syntactic structure) of the book are disclosed at the end of chapter 4. In chapter 5, then. the content (the narrative theology) of the book i hown throuzh b both the narrative-semantic structure (viz. the theme-oriented concentric pattern) and {he [undamental-semantic structure (viz. the macrostructure). both of which are based on the syntactic structure (esp .. plot). Finally, in chapter 6, to show how the book functions to persuade the hearerslreaders in both the literary context and the external (socio-historical) context, the transforming power to reverse the old worldview of the hearerslreaders is sought through the narrative strategies of the book in both contexts. Briefly speaking, while chapter four is related to the syntactic structure (form) of the Apocalypse and chapter five is related to its semantic structure (content), chapter six can be said to correspond to the pragmatic aspect (function). To conclude, this study could modestly be said to articulate the following results: (1) The syntactic structure of the Apocalypse, as an integral unit. shows movement from an unstable state to a stable condition, which means that God's sovereignty will be established on earth -r'Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." (2) The semantic structure shows that the Apocalypse revolves around the activity of Jesus Christ. who is the cohering theological-clement of the structure of the book. (3) The functional structure shows that the Apocalypse rhetorically requests the faithful to witness to God's word until the end of the world and the wayward to repent because the time is near.
- ItemPaul's discourse for the Corinthians' edification :a socio-rhetorical interpretation of 2 Corinthians 10-13(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2004-12) Moon, Jang-Hwan; Combrink, H. J. B.; University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The difficulties attending the reading 2 Cor 10-13 are widely recognized. This dissertation aims to interpret the text by means of socio-rhetorical analysis and to investigate what its real purpose is. Our hypothesis is that this Pauline discourse aims at the Corinthians’ edification by defending his apostolic lifestyle and so giving them a good example of imitatio Christi, imitatio Pauli (Chapter 1). Chapter 2 surveys the recent studies of 2 Cor 10-13 from various approaches, viz. literary historical approach, historical approach, rhetorical approach, and ethical and social-scientific approach. Because of the limited results of each approach used alone, we need a multidimensional and multi-disciplinary method is required. Chapter 3 reconfigures the sociorhetorical approach developed by Robbins into a fourfold dimensional analysis for a more adequate reading of 2 Cor 10-13: a rhetorical analysis; an analysis of intertexture and rhetorolect; an analysis of social, cultural and ideological texture; and an analysis of sacred texture. Chapter 4 analyzes the rhetoric of 2 Cor 10-13. The four realities of the rhetorical situation are the invasion of the outsiders against Paul, the discontent of the insiders with Paul, the conflict concerning Paul’s support, and the plan of Paul’s upcoming visit. The rhetorical arrangement, as a deliberative argumentation but including judicial and epideictic elements, is summarized as follows: exordium and propositio (10:1-11); narratio (10:12-18); argumentatio (11:1-13:4); peroratio (13:5-10). The argumentatio marshals four arguments: what is the true character of the intruders? (11:1-21a); what is the servant of Christ like? (11:21b-12:10); who is whose benefactor? (12:11-19); what sort of man do they expect with Paul’s upcoming visit? (12:20-13:4). Chapter 5 discusses the intertexture and rhetorolect of 2 Cor 10-13. The discourse is thickly intertextured providing the vivid picture and the persuasive rationale for his arguments, and is woven of various rhetorolects. The main rhetorolect is prophetic, which focuses on Paul whom God has chosen to take leadership in the production of righteousness. By blending this rhetorolect with priestly, our text manifests that Paul, in weakness and sufferings, according to God’s call, is following the example of Christ.Chapter 6 explores the social, cultural and ideological textures in 2 Cor 10-13. In social texture, the discourse has a vision of acquiring cognitive abilities for the aim of transforming people so they may build a Christian community in faith until God transforms all. In cultural texture, the discourse utilizes the conventions of dominant culture, but rejects its central values and creates an antithetical set of values based on the crucified Christ. In ideological texture, the discourse presents the social ethos that opposes the dominant social order: it represents rather the interests of the socially weak. The Pauline discourse, however, legitimises his position of primary authority over the Corinthian Christians. Chapter 7 investigates the sacred texture in 2 Cor 10-13. The discourse establishes a theology which is balanced by the crucified and resurrected Christ. Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection is recapitulated in Paul’s apostleship, discipleship and servant-ship in the form of imitatio Christi, and must be reproduced in the Corinthian church in the form of imitatio Pauli. In the final assessment, the main purpose of 2 Cor 10-13 is defined as the edification of the Corinthian church through defending Paul’s apostolic lifestyle, which is characterized by the imitatio Christi. Paul’s lifestyle is derived from Christ who was crucified and resurrected by the power of God, demonstrating God’s power manifested in human weakness. Now it is the Corinthians’ turn to demonstrate the divine power manifested in their imitatio Pauli.
- ItemThe rhetorical function of the parable discourse in Matthew 13(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 1996-11) Kim, Jae Soo; Combrink, H. J. B.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with a reinvention of rhetorical criticism and its application to the parable discourse. The first part of this study examines the theoretical background of rhetoric, and shows that rhetoric emerged as a disciplinary discourse after mythos and logos, and was used as the first systematic hermeneutical method. Rhetoric has developed in two directions: influence and system. Influence study keeps to the tradition of classical rhetoric, while system study covers the system of rhetoric by integrating classical rhetoric with modern human and social sciences. Through this process, rhetorical criticism has been established as a theory and a method for biblical study. Its focus has shifted from rhetoric restrained to rhetoric revalued/reinvented, a shift toward social/practical criticism from hermeneutics. Moreover, rhetorical criticism has begun to treat text as a dialogic, collaborate art or social activity rather than as a mere instrument of persuasion in the monologic scheme of speaker-message-audience, and occupies a prime position in biblical studies in the mode of either one-dimensional or a comprehensive multi-dimensional approach. It is clear that there has been a shift in the application of rhetorical criticism from the performance of rhetorical discourse to its archaeology (inventio). The second part investigates the parable discourse. I suggest that Jesus' parables are net rhetorical discourses of either the dominant Jewish or the dominant Hellenistic-Roman culture. Rather, it is a rhetorical discourse of the Christian subculture. In addition, Jesus' parables in Matthew 13 are not merely grouped but woven into a textus which has a rhetorical structure centred on a basic unit (chreia) to be elaborated. The parable discourse thus takes the pattern of chreia elaboration, and occupies the representative position in Matthew. Against this background, this thesis formulates dialogic rhetoric, as a mode of reinvented rhetoric which deals with invention, for studying the rhetorical function of the parable discourse in Matt 13. Dialogic rhetoric combines Burkean pentadic criticism, Bakthinean dialogic and the social scientific approach. This method differs from the recent historico-critical reading, the semiotic reading, the pragmatic reading in the study of the parable discourse, and also from the structural study carried out by discourse (colon), chiastic and triadic analysis. Dialogic rhetorical criticism has two dimensions. Centripetal rhetoric investigates various rhetorical strategies such as chreia elaboration, figures of dialogism, honour and shame, spatial arrangement, and dyadic personality. Multiple scenes, agents, acts, agencies and purposes in the parable discourse provide a special opportunity for Burkean critique. Centrifugal rhetoric examines the relationship between the parable discourse and two groups of discourses. The first group includes Man 12:46-50 and Matt 13:54-58 which frame the parable discourse, and the second comprises Jesus' other great discourses which, together with the parable discourse, provide key elements within the chiasm of Matthew's Gospel. In final assessment, I define the nature of Christian culture as represented in the parable discourse in terms of response to the world. The parable discourse configures conversionist, revolutionist and gnostic- manipulationist responses, particularly to the Hellenistic-Roman world of the first century. Therefore, I propose that the parable discourse has the function of separating the disciples from the crowds, and then promoting the building of community.
- ItemThe semantic field 'salvation' in Paul's major epistels [Microfiche] : a componential analysis of his soteriological metaphors(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 1986-12) Van Deventer, Hendrik Jakobus; Combrink, H. J. B.; Louw, J. P.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available
- ItemA socio-rhetorical analysis of Romans 7 : with special attention to the law(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, ) Lee, Chul Woo; Combrink, H. J. B.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to interpret Romans 7 with special reference to the law. Both Romans 7 and the law in Paul are very difficult to understand. However, both are important for an understanding of Pauline theology and the gospel. In the past historical critical analyses were usually done in order to solve problematic passages like Romans 7 in Paul's letters. In this study a socio-rhetorical analysis is utilized. To start with, previous research is briefly dealt with in order obtain an overall picture of the understanding of the law in the past. From this overview more than ten problem areas are identified. Then, socio-rhetorical analysis is briefly explained. This is a multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary method developed by Vernon Robbins, which sees the text as having various textures. In this research the method is utilized with some modifications. In chapter 4 the macrostructure of Romans is established by means of epistolary analysis and rhetorical analysis. Next, Rom. 7 is established as a rhetorical unit within Rom. 5-8 as the broader co-text of Rom. 7. After that the rhetorical situation of Romans is discussed, as well as some of Paul's rhetorical devices and styles. Finally, the rhetorical species of Romans is determined as deliberative rhetoric. From chapters 5 to 7, Rom. 7 is analyzed, using different textual analyses. In an analysis of inner texture repetitive-progressive texture, opening-middle-closing texture, and argumentative texture are discussed. Here an enthymemic analysis is used in order to chart Paul's argumentative flow of thought. From this it is concluded that Rom. 7: 1-6 is an analogy, which is an important tool for argumentation, and that the present tense in Rom. 7:14-25 functions as part of a combination of autobiographical-typical-rhetorical features for the purpose of argumentation. In the analysis of intertexture the scriptural intertexture is investigated: recitation with omission and thematic elaboration. In the cultural intertextual analysis some Jewish cultural intertextures are noted, namely, Rom. 7:8-10 as an allusion to both Gen. 3 and Exod. 3, Paul's usage of the "1," the law, slavery image, and the evil inclination. It is also interesting that Rom. 7: 15 & 19 and the "I" are allusions to Greek tragedy, sin as power, and slavery as Greco-Roman cultural intertexture. In analyzing the social intertexture it can be concluded that the marriage analogy is closer to Jewish marriage than to Greco-Roman marriage. The final analysis is an investigation of the theological texture. Here salvation history and the covenant of God are first dealt with in order to get to grips with Paul's theological world. Then, Pauline hamartiology, anthropology, and finally, nomism are investigated. The conclusion is that VOl-lOS' in Rom. 7 mostly denotes the universal moral law of God, both written and unwritten, not just the Mosaic law; though in some cases it denotes "principle" or "rule" as in vv. 21-25. Rom. 7 as a whole is a refutation of the objection or misunderstanding that might be raised regarding Paul's statements of the law in previous chapters. In Rom. 7 Paul elaborates the relationship between believers and the law, and the function of the law in relation to sin in an unregenerate person. In so doing, he vehemently denies that the law is sin, and vividly indicates the function of the law using his own experience.
- ItemVergifnis en versoening in die evangelie volgens Matteus(Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2002-12) Nel, Marius Johannes; Combrink, H. J. B.; Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The goal of this study is to analyse the motifs of reconciliation and forgiveness in the Gospel of Matthew from a socio-rhetorical perspective. The first two chapters expound the chosen methodology, define its aim and identifies relevant pericopes using a heuristic definition of each motif. The third chapter gives an overview of Matthew's inner texture. The next seven chapters interpret the inner, inter- and argumentative textures of the different pericopes by utilizing the recourses of classical and modem rhetoric, anthropology and sociology. The concluding chapter focuses on Matthew's social and cultural texture in an effort to systemize his interpretation of Jesus' teaching of forgiveness and reconciliation. The realities of internal conflict, Roman oppression and a growing, if not yet permanent, separation from Formative Judaism are all taken into account. It is proposed that reconciliation with the Romans and Jews was not seen as a desirable strategy by Matthew, whereas it was non-negotiable for the relationship between members of his church. The concluding chapter also reads Matthew as a narrative In order to provide an answer to the question if it possesses an unified theology of forgiveness and reconciliation. Consideration is therefore given to the occurrence of key peri copes in regard to the development of the Gospel's narrative. It concludes that the dishonourable nature of being crucified in the Jewish and Greco-Roman world compelled Matthew to redefine Jesus' death as a honourable one, before he could link it with God's atonement of sinners. The relative importance of both motives is also confirmed by their inner textual placing in Matthew instead of by the frequency with which they occur. A reviewed definition of both motifs, and their relevance for the contemporary church, is given at the end of the last chapter. This study proposes that whereas forgiveness was seen as dishonourable in the first century Mediterranean world, Jesus not only mediated God' forgiveness in words (e.g. 6: 12-15) and deeds (9: 1-8), but also realized it through His death for many (20:28 and 26:28). For Matthew Jesus is the ultimate broker of God's forgiveness while deeds of forgiveness by followers of Jesus are seen as the honourable imitation of God action, as the ultimate benefactor, in forgiving His clients their sins. While Matthew gives a partial indication of the process by which forgiveness and reconciliation should be pursued in the everyday life of the church (e.g. in 5:23-24 and 18:15-20), he refrains from giving an exhaustive outline. The following can however can be deduced. Grace received, as a gift, demands reciprocal deeds of grace. Those who have experienced, or who seek, God's grace are thus under an obligation to forgive others (6:12, 14-15). Within the first century milieu of Matthew forgiveness and reconciliation was not an internal private affair, but a communal one. It is clear that according to Matthew not al people are automatically forgiven and thus reconciled with God. God's judgement remains a reality for those who opposed His will (21 :33-45; 25:31-46) and who blaspheme the Holy Spirit by continuously opposing His saving work through Jesus (12:31-32).