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Recent Submissions

The vertex centroid of a Van Aubel result involving similar quadrilaterals and its further generalisation
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2024 ) De Villiers, Michael; Humenberger, Hans
This paper explores the position of the vertex centroid for a generalisation of Van Aubel’s theorem: specifically we look at what happens to the vertex centroid when directly similar quadrilaterals are placed on the sides of an arbitrary quadrilateral. After giving a simple proof that the position of the vertex centroid remains unchanged, the result is further generalised to directly similar triangles (or other directly similar shapes) on the sides of polygons using vectors. Not only are the results mathematically interesting, but can also provide an appropriate classroom opportunity for dynamic geometry exploration, and to build 2D models with clay and drinking straws (or thin wire) to illustrate and check the theoretical solutions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Examining Attachment of Earnings Orders: Does the English Wage Garnishment Mechanism Offer Solutions to the Challenges Experienced by its Contemporary South African Counterpart?
(Thomson & Reutors, 2023) Van der Merwe, Stephan
The ability to garnish a debtor’s wages is a popular and important contemporary legal mechanism to facilitate civil debt collection in many jurisdictions, including South Africa. Despite recent amendments to the primary legislation regulating South African emolument attachment orders, the mechanism remains prone to a number of significant shortcomings which facilitate debtor abuse. Consequently, calls have been made for further legislative intervention. In order to guide this development, comparative wage garnishment mechanisms should be investigated. A detailed analysis of the ostensibly effective and historically relatable English attachment of earnings order mechanism could provide meaningful insights to improve the system and enhance debtor protection in South Africa. The article therefore conducts an examination and evaluation of the historical development and contemporary application of English attachment of earnings orders in order to determine whether the mechanism provides any solutions that could assist further legislative development.
Perspectives of early career supervisors on navigating the Socio-emotional needs of their doctoral candidates
(Central University of Technology, 2024-06) Leshem, S.; Bitzer, E.M.
All supervisors of doctoral research aim at guiding their students towards success on their doctoral journeys. Desired characteristics of successfully guiding doctoral studies have been widely reported in relevant literature and gave rise to various models of exemplary supervisory practice. One area within the supervisory relationship that has received limited attention is the emotional aspect of supervisors' role, their dispositional qualities of mind and character which are key factors in establishing an intellectual and emotional working rapport with candidates. This exploratory qualitative study sought to gain a deepened understanding of how supervisors address the socio-emotional needs of their students. A combination of online and in-person semistructured interviews with ten doctoral study supervisors, and thematic analysis of data, revealed that supervisors fully acknowledge the notion that interpersonal and emotional issues are key factors in the supervisory process. However, the way they see, and experience emotional factors differ. While some regard the supervisory process as an intellectual academic relationship, others regard supervision more as mentoring, allowing more space for selfexpression and emotions. The study's findings carry implications for enhancing the training and support offered to doctoral supervisors and students enrolled in doctoral programmes, as well as identifying potential areas for improvement.
Perceptions of dietitians and key role players regarding their role in reporting food labelling transgressions in South Africa
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2024-05-16) Profe-Fuchsloch, Mikayla; Koen, N.; Wicks, M.
Objectives: A study was undertaken to describe South African dietitians and key role players’ perceptions regarding their role in reporting food labelling legislation transgressions. Design: A multimethod study design was employed to explore a previously unstudied topic. Setting: Dietitians registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) together with key role players in food labelling in South Africa. Methods: Quantitative data were collected using a self-administered electronic questionnaire and qualitative data using a semi-structured interview guide. Quantitative data were analysed using Microsoft Excel and qualitative data using ATLAS.ti software. Data were analysed independently in the results section but integrated for interpretation of the findings. Results: In total, only 6% (n = 7) of the included dietitians (n = 126) reported food labelling transgressions, and 12% (n = 15) believed dietitians have a role to play in reporting transgressions. Interestingly, half of the included dietitians (50%, n = 63) stated they would report an identified transgression. Dietitians demonstrated a lack of awareness of the current food labelling regulations, with 43% wrongly identifying the draft regulation to consult. Almost all (99%, n = 125) of the included dietitians reported that their transgression reporting practices would improve if a clear guideline from the Department of Health: Directorate Food Control (DoH DFC) was available. Key role players (n = 8) cited enforcement issues and a perceived gap in dietitians’ understanding of legislation and reporting processes as barriers to reporting non-compliance. Key role players identified enablers such as awareness of regulations, contacts within the DoH DFC and familiarity with the reporting process for transgressions. They also provided insight on the proper procedure for reporting food labelling transgressions. Conclusion: The low prevalence of food labelling transgression reporting by dietitians stems from several barriers, including a perceived lack of confidence regarding the current regulation, awareness of the applicable legislation, uncertainty regarding the correct reporting procedure and scepticism that transgression reports will be acted upon. Regular communication regarding food and nutrition regulations and the development of an easy-to-use transgression reporting framework could support the implementation and impact of food labelling regulations in South Africa.
Towards a critical pedagogy of global citizenship: breaking the silence as a trained dancer in post-apartheid South Africa
(Springer Nature, 2024-01 ) Esau, Omar; Jones, Danielle‑Marie
This article reveals a reflective journey of a dancer through unpacking two performances experienced over the course of two years. It examines and navigates ways of decolonizing oppressive dominance and investigating the ramifications of indoctrination in dance. It depicts how a trained dancer evolved and became more conscious by breaking the “culture of silence” and changed in becoming a more critical reflective dancer in a post-apartheid South Africa. This project aligns itself with global citizenship education (GCE) as it re/imagines traditional forms of civic and citizenship education in a more critical and decolonial perspective. In writing this paper, we are reminded of “the myriad shifts of thinking, strategies and back-and-forth debating” with each other and can also see our “encounters as a dance” (Waghid in Dancing with doctoral encounters: Democratic education in motion, African Sun Media, 2015). In breaking the silence surrounding dance and its conservative elements, we question the technocratic practices and accepted norms in the performance arts and the dancing arena. How does a classical dancer redress the colonial past in a performance arts classroom? The significance of this paper lies in the argument that decolonization becomes an imperative within GCE if one is striving for social justice and intends to commit oneself to a more equitable society where crossing borders must be a seamless act.