A generic rate equation for catalysed, template-directed polymerisation and its use in computational systems biology

dc.contributor.advisorHofmeyr, J-H. S.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorRohwer, J. M.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGqwaka, Olona P. C.en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Biochemistry.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Progress in computational systems biology depends crucially on the availability of generic rate equations that accurately describe the behaviour and regulation of catalysed processes over a wide range of conditions. Such equations for ordinary enzyme-catalysed reactions have been developed in our group and have proved extremely useful in modelling metabolic networks. However, these networks link to growth and reproduction processes through template-directed synthesis of macromolecules such as polynucleotides and polypeptides. Lack of an equation that captures such a relationship led us to derive a generic rate equation that describes catalysed, template-directed polymerisation reactions with varying monomer stoichiometry and varying chain length. A model describing the mechanism of a generic template-directed polymerisation process in terms of elementary reactions with mass action kinetics was developed. Maxima, a computational algebraic solver, was used to determine analytical expressions for the steady-state concentrations of the species in the equation system from which a steady-state rate equation could be derived. Using PySCeS, a numerical simulation platform developed in our group, we calculated the time-dependent evolution and the steadystates of the species in the catalytic mechanisms used in the derivation of the rate equations. The rate equation was robust in terms of being accurately derived, and in comparison with the rates determined with PySCeS. Addition of more elongation steps to the mechanism allowed the generalisation of the rate equation to an arbitrary number of elongations steps and an arbitrary number of monomer types. To test the regulatory design of the system we incorporated the generic rate equation in a computational model describing a metabolic system consisting of multiple monomer supplies linked by a template-directed demand reaction. Rate characteristics were chosen to demonstrate the utility of the simplified generic rate equation. The rate characteristics provided a visual representation of the control and regulation profile of the system and showed how this profile changes under varying conditions.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beskikbaarheid van generiese snelheidsvergelykings wat die gedrag en regulering van gekataliseerde prosesse akkuraat oor ’n wye reeks omstandighede beskryf is van kardinale belang vir vooruitgang in rekenaarmatige sisteembiologie. Sulke vergelykings is in ons groep ontwikkel vir gewone ensiem-gekataliseerde reaksies en blyk uiters nuttig te wees vir die modellering van metaboliese netwerke. Hierdie netwerke skakel egter deur templaat-gerigte sintese van makromolekule soos polinukleotiede en polipeptiede aan groei- en voorplantingsprosesse. Die gebrek aan vergelykings wat sulke verwantskappe beskryf het ons genoop om ’n generiese snelheidsvergelyking af te lei wat gekataliseerde, templaatgerigte polimerisasie-reaksies met wisselende monomeerstoigiometrie en kettinglengte beskryf. ’n Model wat die meganisme van ’n generiese templaat-gerigte polimerisasie-proses in terme van elementêre reaksies met massa-aksiekinetika beskryf is ontwikkel. Maxima, ’n rekenaarmatige algebraïese oplosser, is gebruik om analitiese uitdrukkings vir die bestendige- toestand konsentrasies van die spesies in die vergelyking-stelsel te vind. Hierdie uitdrukkings is gebruik om ’n bestendige-toestand snelheidsvergelyking af te lei. Ons het die tyd-afhanklike progressie en die bestendige toestande bereken van die spesies in die katalitiese meganismes wat gebruik is in die afleiding van die snelheidsvergelykings. Die rekenaarprogram PySCeS is ’n numeriese simulasieplatform wat in ons groep ontwikkel is. Die snelheidsvergelyking blyk akkuraat afgelei te wees en is in ooreenstemming met snelhede deur PySCeS bereken. Die toevoeging van verdere verlengingstappe tot die meganisme het dit moontlik gemaak om die snelheidsvergelyking te veralgemeen tot ’n arbitrêre hoeveelheid verlengingstappe en monomeertipes. Om die regulatoriese ontwerp van die sisteem te toets het ons die generiese snelheidsvergelyking in ’n rekenaarmatige model geïnkorporeer wat ’n metaboliese sisteem bestaande uit verskeie monomeer-aanbodblokke en ’n templaatgerigte aanvraagblok beskryf. Snelheidskenmerkanalise is gekies om die nut van die vereenvoudigde generiese snelheidsvergelyking te demonstreer. Met hierdie snelheidskenmerke kon ons die kontrole- en reguleringsprofiel van die stelsel visualiseer en wys hoe hierdie profiel verander onder wisselende omstandighede.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectEnzyme kineticsen_ZA
dc.subjectRate equationen_ZA
dc.subjectComputational systems biologyen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Biochemistryen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Biochemistryen_ZA
dc.titleA generic rate equation for catalysed, template-directed polymerisation and its use in computational systems biologyen_ZA
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