Contours of confrontation : factors that mobilised the Cape rebels in the South African War, 1896–1902

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Heroes, traitors, and social outcasts – the Cape Rebels of the South African War, 1899–1902, have been cast in several roles throughout history. Not only do they continue to capture the interests of social historians, but with the incorporation of quantitative history methods, their histories have been revisited in new ways. Using a combination of archival sources and methods like GIS, this thesis presents a study of the social, economic and political circumstances of this group to analyse why they mobilised. With honour, security and livelihoods at stake, the question is raised why these rebels chose to abandon their homes and families at the high cost of hope elsewhere for a better future. Several theories of mobilisation were tested and found wanting. This thesis has used GIS to combine archival research with mapping software to show a visual representation of the historical context of the rebels. The most prevalent theories cited in the literature on the Cape Rebels were mapped and analysed to evaluate the conditions and influences on mobilisation levels in the Cape Colony before the war. The most popular theory, the rinderpest epidemic, was shown to have some correlation with rebel mobilisation rates. However, this was mostly relegated to the districts with heavier cattle losses in the north of the Cape. Proximity to the republics and differences in lifestyle and culture on the frontier were also evaluated in terms of whether this influenced people to side with those more similar to them, demonstrating that ideas, attitudes and ideologies were free-flowing in these regions. This was shown using education levels, the establishment of schools and distances to the borders. The differentiation between frontier regions and republics was proven to be political rather than physical, meaning many rebels in the area were closer to republican communication networks than that of the Cape. Some rebels were motivated by their personal convictions to aid the republics whose sovereignty was threatened. Moreover, the pre-eminent political conditions spurred people to seek alternative leadership after repeated political blunders had compounded the political and ideological vulnerabilities of potential rebels. Finally, the appeal of strong, charismatic leadership has been shown to be a powerful tool in mobilising groups. This was done through mapping the route taken by General Jan Smuts as a proxy for quantifying charismatic leadership. Ultimately, rebels mobilised in the Cape because they shared common goals and interests with the Boer republics.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Helde, verraaiers en sosiale uitgeworpenes. Die Kaapse-rebelle van die Suid-Afrikaanse Oorlog, 1899-1902, is deur die geskiedenis heen in verskeie rolle getipeer. Hulle bly egter steeds sosiale historici se belangstelling te prikkel. Die inkorporering van kwantitatiewe metodes skep moontlikhede waarop hul geskiedenis op nuwe maniere herverbeel kan word. Met behulp van 'n kombinasie van argivale bronne en metodes soos GIS, fokus die tesis op die sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke omstandighede van hierdie groep met die doel om te bepaal waarom hulle gerebelleer het. Die vraag word gestel waarom hierdie rebelle gekies het om hul huise en gesinne te verlaat met die hoop op `n beter toekoms elders - teen die hoë koste van die potensiele verlies van hul eer, veiligheid en lewensbestaan. Verskeie teorieë oor mobilisering word getoets en gebrekkig gevind. Die tesis gebruik GIS om argivale navorsing met kaartwerk sagteware te kombineer in `n poging om die historiese konteks van die rebelle visueel voor te stel. Die mees algemene teorieë wat in die literatuur voorkom is geografies uitgebeeld en geanaliseer in `n poging om die invloed daarvan op mobilisasie vlakke in die Kaapkolonie voor die oorlog te evalueer. Die mees algemene teorie wat deur navorsers aangehaal word, die rinderpes-epidemie, het 'n mate van korrelasie met rebellemobiliseringsyfers getoon. Die korrelasie het egter meestal voorgekom in die Noord-Kaap in die distrikte waar groter veeverliese aangeteken is. Afstand van die republikeinse grense en die gepaardgaande verskillende grens leefstyl en kultuur is ook geëvalueer om te bepaal of dit persone beïnvloed het om hulle te skaar by diegene wat meer soortgelyk aan hulle was - en dus aantoon dat idees, houdings en ideologieë vryvloeiend (dus nie noodwendig deur geografiese grense beperk is nie) was oor grense heen. Dit is gedemonstreer deur vlakke van onderwys/opvoeding, die stigting van skole en afstand van die republikeinse grense te gebruik. Die onderskeid tussen grensstreke en republieke was polities eerder as fisies, en baie rebelle in die gebiede was nader aan republikeinse as Kaapse kommunikasienetwerke. Sommige rebelle is deur hul persoonlike oortuigings gemotiveer om die republieke, wie se soewereiniteit bedreig is, te help. Die heersende politieke toestande het mense aangespoor om alternatiewe leierskap te soek nadat herhaalde politieke flaters die politieke en ideologiese kwesbaarhede (besware) van potensiële rebelle vererger het. Die aantrekkingskrag van sterk, charismatiese leierskap geblyk 'n kragtige instrument te wees om groepe te mobiliseer. In die finale instansie het rebelle in die Kaap gerebelleer omdat hulle gemeenskaplike doelwitte en belange met die Boererepublieke gedeel het.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.
Cape rebels