An investigation into the use of condoms as ultrasound probe covers during sterile procedures

dc.contributor.advisorRetief, Francois Wilhelmen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSooraj, Nayandra Runveeren_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MMed) -- Stellenbosch University, 2015.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractPurpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of condoms as an alternative to commercially available ultrasound probe covers for the maintenance of sterility during ultrasound-guided medical procedures. We hypothesised that condoms are sterile in their packaging and are effective barriers to bacterial translocation during sterile procedures. Methods Phase 1 examined whether condoms are sterile in their packaging. Ten condoms were removed from their packaging under sterile conditions and placed into nutrient broth. After 24 hours of incubation, they were checked for turbidity as a measure of contamination. The second phase of the study examined the ability of condoms to prevent translocation of bacteria from heavily contaminated probe head models to growth media. The experimental model was designed to simulate clinical conditions. Rectangular glass coplin jars were dipped into KY jelly inoculated with Klebsiella and Staphylococcus. Condoms were subsequently placed over the ends of the jars. After a brief exposure period, the condoms were removed carefully and the uncontaminated tips dipped individually into different 20ml containers of nutrient broth. The containers were then incubated for 24 hours, after which they were examined for turbidity as an indicator of bacterial translocation. The experiment was conducted using sterile precautions akin to procedures performed in operating theatres. Results In the first phase, one of the ten condoms (10%; 95% confidence intervals 0.3% - 45%) showed bacterial growth. In the second phase, 18 of the 30 samples (60%; 95% confidence intervals 41% - 77%) showed bacterial growth. Conclusion The results of the study suggest that the use of condoms, as sterile ultrasound barriers, may not prevent translocation of bacteria in clinical practice. A number of factors may influence the effectiveness of condoms, such as the probe head size, bacterial load and manufacturing quality of the condom. Further studies are needed to compare condoms to commercially available probe covers.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractDoel Die doel van hierdie studie was om die gebruik van kondome as 'n alternatief vir kommersieel beskikbare ultraklank-sonde bedekkings vir die instandhouding van steriliteit tydens ultraklank-begeleide mediese prosedures te ondersoek. Ons hipotese is dat kondome steriel is in hul verpakking en dat kondome doeltreffende hindernisse is tot bakteriële translokasie tydens steriele prosedures. Metodes Fase een ondersoek of kondome steriel is in hul verpakking. Tien kondome is uit hul verpakking onder steriele omstandighede verwyder en in voedingskultuur geplaas. Na 24 uur van inkubasie, is hulle nagegaan vir troebelheid as 'n maatstaf van kontaminasie. Die tweede fase van die studie ondersoek die vermoë van kondome om translokasie van bakterieë te verhoed vanaf swaar besmette ulraklank-sonde modelle. Die eksperimentele model is ontwerp om kliniese toestande na te boots. Vierkantige glas coplin flesse is gedoop in KY jellie ingeënt met Klebsiella en Staphylococcus. Kondome is daarna oor die punte van die flesse geplaas. Na 'n kort blootstelling tydperk is die kondome versigtig verwyder en die onbesoedelde punte individueel gedoop in afsonderlike 20ml houers met voedingskultuur. Die houers is daarna geïnkubeer vir 24 uur, waarna hulle vir troebelheid ondersoek is, as aanduiding van bakteriële translokasie. Die eksperiment is uitgevoer met steriele voorsorgmaatreëls, soortgelyk aan prosedures in operasiesale. Resultate In die eerste fase het een van die tien kondome (10%, 95% vertrouensintervalle 0,3% - 45%) bakteriële groei getoon. In die tweede fase het 18 van die 30 monsters (60%, 95% vertrouensintervalle 41% - 77% ) bakteriële groei getoon. Gevolgtrekking Die resultate van die studie dui daarop dat die gebruik van kondome as ultraklank-sonde bedekkings, moontlik nie translokasie van bakterieë voorkom in die kliniese praktyk nie. 'n Aantal faktore kan die doeltreffendheid van kondome beïnvloed, byvoorbeeld die grootte van die sonde, die bakteriële lading en vervaardigingskwaliteit van die kondome. Verdere studies is nodig om kondome met kommersieel beskikbare bedekkings te vergelyk.af_ZA
dc.format.extent33 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectUltrasonics in surgeryen_ZA
dc.titleAn investigation into the use of condoms as ultrasound probe covers during sterile proceduresen_ZA
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