The diorites of Yzerfontein, Darling, Cape Province

dc.contributor.authorMaske, Sen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 1951.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThis paper was awarded the Corstorphine Medal and the first prize of the Geological Society of South Africa for the year 1951.en
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The recent suggestion of the existence of a basaltic magma in the South-west Cape Province shortly before the intrusion of the Cape granites is corroborated by the occurrence of a gabbroic body of pre-granite age at Yzerfontein. A detailed study of the primary rhythmic banding and igneous lamination of this body indicates its origi nal form as being sheet-like or Iaccolithic, and the differentiation appears to have been due to a combination of fractional crystallisation and gravitative crystal settling on to a sub-horizontal floor . The crystal settling process was probably later a rrested by the viscosi ty of the rest magma, due to its enrichment in potash and alumina. The Yzerfontein diorites proper represent a hybrid product resulting from the mixi ng, in dept h, of the marginal contaminated facies of the Darling granite with gabbroic material. The present uniformity of the diorite is ascribed to the emplacement of the hybrid magma to a higher level. Gabbroic xenocrysts a re widely distributed in the diorites, these single crystals almost invariably being surrounded by rims of material later in the reaction series. Amongst the mafic minerals a uniform orientation relation is found to exist between the cores and rims of such reaction products. Two different types of granite aplite and pegmatite, namely potash-rich and soda-rich varieties, have invaded both the diorites and gabbros along joints corresponding in direction to the joint system of the Darling granite pluton, while swarms of veins and dykes containing late hydrothermal minerals, which probably represent the final stages of the magmatic history of the granites, follow similar directions.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen Afrikaanse opsomming beskikbaar nieaf_ZA
dc.format.extent25-68 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectDiorite -- South Africa -- Yzerfonteinen_ZA
dc.subjectGeology -- South Africa -- Yzerfonteinen_ZA
dc.subjectIgneous rocks -- South Africa -- Yzerfonteinen_ZA
dc.titleThe diorites of Yzerfontein, Darling, Cape Provinceen_ZA
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