Alternative service delivery strategies : the use of collaborative partnerships

dc.contributor.advisorBurger, Johanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKernelle, Nicoleen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Collaborative partnerships, such as public-private partnerships (PPPs), outsourcing, public-voluntary sector partnerships (PVSPs), and shared services are all partnerships that are implemented to enable improvement in service delivery. Local government is the sphere that is the closest to communities in terms of service provision. It is their responsibility to provide services that are efficient, effective, economical, and sustainable; however, municipalities in the Republic of South Africa (RSA) face numerous challenges in a complex environment. The challenges are mainly attributed to a lack of finance and capacity. A prominent and viable option for local government is therefore to engage in collaborative partnerships to fill the resource gap dominating the public sector in the RSA. The aim of the study is therefore to explore collaborative partnerships in terms of service delivery, assess their viability, as well as explore constraints. As such, it follows a highly qualitative approach and provides an explorative discussion of service delivery and especially collaborative partnerships in South African municipalities. It presents findings on the status and viability of collaborative partnerships, as well as the pros and cons of each selected collaborative partnership. The study commences by providing an overview of the study and a brief background of the local government environment and the need for the study. It provides the bases for the two key themes present throughout the study, namely, service delivery and collaborative partnerships. The literature review and the legal framework are divided into these two themes, displaying the shift within the public sector that is forcing innovative and alternative mechanisms to optimally use public sector resources. The South African policy and legislative framework respond to the needs of its communities and the external forces driving the country to transform service delivery mechanisms. The researcher explores collaborative partnerships in the sphere of local government and explores the environment by conducting expert interviews. In culmination, the explorative study provides findings on the viability and status of collaborative partnerships. It contributes to and aims to improve the conditions and challenges in the local government environment as the study provides an in-depth understanding of current realities.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vennootskappe, soos openbare - en privatevennootskappe, uitkontraktering, openbare – en vrywilliger – sektorvennootskappe, en gedeelde dienste, is vennootskappe wat geïmplementeer word om ʼn verbetering in dienslewering teweeg te bring. Plaaslike regering is die vlak van regering wat die naaste aan gemeenskappe is ten opsigte van dienslewering. Dit is dus hulle verantwoordelikheid om doeltreffende, effektiewe, ekonomiese en volhoubaredienste te lewer. Plaaslike regering ondervind egter baie uitdagings in 'n komplekse samelewing soos Suid-Afrika. Die uitdagings word hoofsaaklik toegeskryf aan 'n gebrek aan voldoende finansiering en operasionele kapasiteit. ʼn Gunstige en lewensvatbare oplossing vir plaaslike regering is dus om met verskillende rolspelers in vennootskappe saam te werk om die hulpbrongaping wat die openbare sektor in SA oorheers, te verklein. Die hoofdoel van dié studie is om bogenoemde vennootskappe in terme van die effektiewe lewering van dienste te bespreek en te ondersoek, hul lewensvatbaarheid te evalueer, asook beperkinge te identifiseer. Die studie sal dus gebruik maak van ʼn hoogs-kwalitatiewe benadering en bied 'n ondersoekende bespreking van dienslewering en veral vennootskappe soos privatevennootskappe en sektorvennootskappe in Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike regering konteks. Dit bied bevindinge oor die huidige stand en lewensvatbaarheid van sulke vennootskappe, sowel as die voor- en nadele van elke gekose en geïdentifiseerde vennootskap. Eerstens, word 'n oorsig van die studie voorgelê, daarna 'n kort opsomming van die agtergrond van die plaaslike regering konteks, asook ʼn beskrywing van die behoefte wat so ʼn studie noodsaak. Dit bied die fondasie vir die twee sleutel temas wat deur die studie aangebied word, naamlik: dienslewering en vennootskappe. Die literatuuroorsig en beskrywing van die wette wat plaaslike regering beïnvloed word verdeel in die twee bogenoemde temas. Dit toon duidelik die verskuiwing in die openbare sektor wat plaaslike regerings dwing om met innoverende en alternatiewe strategieë vorendag te kom om beskikbare hulpbronne meer effektief te benut. Ooglopend reageer Suid-Afrikaanse openbarebeleid en wette op die behoeftes van gemeenskappe, asook die eksterne magte wat die verandering in diensleweringstrategieë af dwing of moontlik maak. Die navorser ondersoek sulke vennootskappe op die gebied van plaaslike regering en ondersoek ook die omgewing wat sulke venootskappe moontlik maak, deur opinies in te vorder van kundiges op die gebied. In gevolgtrekking, bied dié ondersoekende studie bevindings oor die lewensvatbaarheid en huidige stand van sulke vennootskappe. Dit dra tot die verbetering van die toestande en vermindering van die uitdagings in die plaaslike regering konteks by, aangesien die studie ʼn in-diepte begrip van die huidige gebeure weergee.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 147 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectPublic-private sector cooperation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectIntergovernmental fiscal relations -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectMunicipal services -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectLocal government -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleAlternative service delivery strategies : the use of collaborative partnershipsen_ZA
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