The relationship between the development of motor skills on the self-concept of at-risk children

dc.contributor.advisorBressan, E. S.
dc.contributor.authorHugo, Karin
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Sport Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScSportSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of participation in a sport development programme on the sport skills and self-concept of28 at-risk primary school children from a disadvantaged community. All 28 participants were pre-tested, then received a six-week (12 lesson) intervention programme, after which all children were post-tested. Data collection for the dependent variables was completed using the Latchaw Motor Achievement Test and the Catty Self-Concept Scale. Results of this study revealed that at-risk children realised the following outcomes of participation in a sport skill development programme: • Four of six components of motor achievement improved significantly. • The self-concept of the children did not show a significant improvement. • Three of six components of motor achievement showed a significant correlation with self-concept. Based on the results, it was concluded that participation in a sport skill development programme could not make a significant contribution to the motor development of at-risk primary school children. However more research is needed in this specific area in order to determine how skill development can be implemented to enhance the self-concept of at-risk children.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die invloed van deelname aan 'n sport ontwikkelings program op die sportvaardighede en self-konsep van 28 hoë-risiko laerskool kinders vanuit 'n minderbevoorregte gemeenskap te ondersoek. Al 28 deelnemers was gepretoets en daarna 'n intervensie program van ses weke (12 lesse) gevolg, waarna die kinders weer almal gepost-toets is. Dataversameling vir al die afhanklike veranderlikes is voltooi deur die gebruik van die Latchaw Motoriese toets vir die toetsing van motoriese vaardighdede en die Cratty Selfkonsep toets. Resultate van hierdie studie het aangetoon dat die hoê-risiko kinders die volgende uitkomste met betrekking tot deelname aán die sport ontwikkelings program, behaal het: • Vier van die ses motoriese prestasie komponente het beduidend verbeter • Die selfkonsep van die kinders het nie 'n betekenisvolle verbetering getoon nie. • Drie van die ses motoriese prestasie komponente het 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie getoon met selfkonsep. Gebaseer op hierdie resultate, is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat deelname aan 'n sport vaardigheid ontwikkelings program geen defnitiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die motoriese ontwikkeling van hoë-risiko laerskool kinders nie. Verdere navorsing word benodig in hierdie spesifieke area om vas te stel hoe 'n vaardigheids ontwikkeling program geimplimenteer kan word om selfkonsep van hoë-risiko kinders te verbeter.af_ZA
dc.format.extent104 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPhysical education for problem children -- Study and teachingen_ZA
dc.subjectChildren with social disabilities -- Education (Primary)en_ZA
dc.subjectMotor ability in childrenen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Human movement studiesen_ZA
dc.titleThe relationship between the development of motor skills on the self-concept of at-risk childrenen_ZA
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