A feminist pastoral approach to gender-based violence in intimate partner relationship within marriage

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: From my experience as a minister in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, I have observed that gender-based violence in intimate partner relationships is prevalent in society. Pastoral care focusing on intimate partner relationships tends to address the symptoms rather than the root cause of the violence. If the pastoral care that is offered ignores or entrenches the root cause of the violence, the care that is offered may be limited. This may result in the need for an alternative approach that will provide recommendations that will facilitate a more responsible pastoral care strategy. To investigate this possibility of limitation and the resultant need for an alternative approach, I will use my own denomination as a background to this study, focussing specifically on intimate partner violence within marriage. To validate this theory of limitation and need, it is important to determine and acknowledge the root cause and risk factors of intimate partner violence, which is proposed as male dominance rooted in gender inequality. The official pastoral response of my denomination will be investigated to determine whether it acknowledges the root cause of gender-based violence. A lack of doing so will result in the diagnosis of a problem of limitation to pastoral care. This problem will be exacerbated should the said church denomination entrench the root cause through the theological framework of its pastoral practices. This possibility is investigated through the critique of certain pastoral practices. In finding this possibility of limitation to be true, a feminist pastoral approach is investigated to offer recommendations that will assist in the development of a responsible pastoral care strategy that will enhance care for victims and perpetrators of intimate partner violence within marriage.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In my ondervinding as ‘n leeraar in die Anglikaanse Kerk van Suider Africa, is geslagsverwante geweld wyd versprei in gemeenskappe. Pastorale sorg in hierdie verband nyg om op die simptome liewer as die hoof oorsaak te fokus. Wanneer hierdie oorsaak geignoreer of bevestig word, sal dit beperkinge op die sorg wat gebied word plaas. ’n Alternatiewe benadering tot sorg mag benodig word om voorstelle te maak vir ’n verantwoordelike pastorale sorg strategie. Ek sal my eie denominasie gebruik om die moontliheid van beperkinge te ondersoek, en sal spesifiek op geweld binne die huwelik fokus. Om waarde aan die teorie van limitasie en behoefte te gee, moet die hoofoorsaak van geslagsgeweld ondersoek word. Dit word voorgehou as manlike dominansie wat ’n oorsprong het in geslags ongelykheid. Die amptelike reaksie van my denominasie word ondersoek om vas te stel of dit die hoofoorsaak van geslagsgeweld erken en aanspreek. ’n Gebrek daaraan sal as ’n probleem van beperking van pastorale sorg voordoen. Die probleem sal vererger word as die genoemde denominasie hierdie hoofsaak bevestig of versterk deur die teologiese raamwerk van die pastorale praktyke wat dit beoefen. Hierdie moontliheid word ondersoek deur kritiek te lewer op sekere pastorale praktyke. Met die bevinding van ’n moontlike beperkinge wat waar blyk te wees, sal ’n feministiese pastorale benadering ondersoek word vir moontlike aanbevelings. Hierdie aanbevelings sal gebruik word om ’n verantwoordelike pastorale sorg strategie daar te stel wat die sorg vir slagoffers en oortreders van geslagsgeweld binne die huwelik kan verbeter.
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.
Counseling, Family social work, Pastoral care, UCTD