Pre-study for conversion of a gas turbine from liquid to gaseous fuel

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gaseous fuel has shown its benefits as a promising alternative energy source. In an effort to research the effect of gaseous fuel on gas turbines, a Rover 1S/60 gas turbine was used for the fuel conversion study. This thesis aims to establish a test cell for small gas turbine testing and conduct engine tests with liquid and gaseous fuel. Therefore, a test setup was built from scratch including the fuel supply system, data acquisition system, electronic/mechanical remote control system and emergency shutdown system. The engine used for the test was disassembled and overhauled to study the detailed mechanics of each component so that further modification work could be carried out. After conducting several engine tests with kerosene, it was found the maximum continuous power output decreased from the factory rating of 45 kW to 28.4 kW and many of the measured data did not meet the requirements set by the Rover Company. Therefore, a new operation standard and procedure were set to meet the current condition of the engine. Finally, a newly designed gaseous fuel supply and control system were installed. With a modified gas injector, the engine was successfully converted to operate with LPG, and other gaseous fuels could in principle also be used for further tests.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gas brandstowwe het verskeie voordele as ’n alternatiewe energie bron. Om die effek van die gebruik van ’n gas brandstof op ’n gasturbine te evalueer, is ’n Rover 1S/60 gas turbine ondersoek. Hierdie studie beoog om ’n toetssel vir klein gasturbine toetse te vestig en enjintoetse met vloeistof- en gas-brandstowwe uit te voer. Daar is dus ’n eksperimentele opstel gebou wat bestaan uit: ’n brandstof toevoer-, data-versameling- en elektroniese/meganiese afstandbeheer sisteem, so wel as ’n nood-afskakel sisteem. Die gasturbine wat gebruik is in die studie is uit mekaar gehaal, skoongemaak en elke komponent deeglik ondersoek, voordat die gasturbine weer aan mekaar gesit is en die nodige aanpassings gemaak is. Na talle enjintoetslopies met keroseen as verkose brandstof, is daar bevind dat die maksimum onderbroke krag uitset 28.4 kW is, laer as die fabriek-gespesifiseerde waarde van 45 kW. Daar is ook bevind dat verskeie van die gemete waardes nie aan die vereistes, soos gestel deur Rover Company, voldoen nie. Daarom is daar nuwe operasionele standaarde en prosedures in plek gestel om te pas by die huidige toestand van die enjin. Laastens is ’n nuwe gas brandstof toevoer- en beheer stelsel geinstalleer. Met die aangepaste gas inlaat, is die enjin suksesvol omskep om op LPG te loop, en ander gas brandstowwe kan in toekomstige toetse gebruik word.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Gas turbine, Liquefied petroleum gas, Gas injection, UCTD