Formal education and critical thinking skills for the knowledge economy in Zambia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the question: Are GCE ‘O’ Level examinations administered by the Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) supporting the development of the critical thinking skills of analysis, evaluation and creation in Grade 12 school leavers given the backdrop of the Knowledge Economy (KE)? Chapter 1 focuses on the background and context of the study. It also provides a brief overview of the knowledge economy and the centrality of critical thinking skills. Chapter 2 gives a fuller description of the knowledge economy and globalization. Chapter 3 describes Bloom’s Taxonomy and critical thinking in order to make visible the theoretical framework for the study Chapter 4 sets out the research method and demonstrates how the measuring instrument based on the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy is applied to the analysis of examination papers Chapter 5 deals with data analysis and interpretation, specific techniques employed and reasons for such strategies. Chapter 6 discusses the findings, and comes to the conclusion that that the GCE ‘O’ Level examinations administered by the ECZ are not supporting the development of the critical thinking skills of analysis, creativity and evaluation in Grade 12 school leavers.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die tesis ondersoek tot watter mate die O-vlak eksamens van die Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ) die ontwikkeling van die kritiese denkvaardighede van analise, evaluasie en kreatiwiteit ondersteun Deur Bloom se Taksonomie toe te pas op geselekteerde eksamenvraestelle oor ʼn 5 jaar tydperk, kom die tesis tot die gevolgtrekking dat sodanige vraestelle nie daarin slaag om die denkvaardighede te inkorporeer nie.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Knowledge economy, Critical thinking, Creative ability, Education -- Zambia, Globalization, UCTD