Learning in the clinical skills and simulation centre University of Ghana : medical students’ experiences of teaching sessions : an exploratory study

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many Clinical Skills and Simulation Centres have been established in medical institutions around the world. In Ghana, the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, University of Ghana Medical School is a facility for simulation based medical training. The Centre provides a realistic patient experience, which is artificially created to mimic substantial experience of the real world in a fully participatory and interactive situation. The desire to ensure patient safety and the quality of patient care delivery has become necessary and it is for this reason that simulation has a huge role to play. This research explores medical students’ experiences of teaching and learning sessions in the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, University of Ghana Medical School with the aim to optimise teaching and learning of clinical skills. Qualitative data was collected from medical students through focus group discussions. The data were analysed using thematic networks, which is an analytical tool for qualitative research. Several basic themes were identified from the interview transcripts, which were categorised into five broad organizing themes being; positive experiences, negative experiences, challenges, motivation and recommendations. Out of these organising themes, emerged the global theme, which was medical students’ experiences of teaching sessions at the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre. The thematic analysis identified the process of skills acquisition as a mainly positive experience expressed by the medical students amidst the negative experience of some of the students and a challenge with regards to the distance of the Centre from the main campus. Students were however, motivated by their need to practise and suggested some useful recommendations to improve upon their teaching and learning sessions at the Centre.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie Kliniese Vaardigheids- en Simulasie Sentra is deesdae gevestig in mediese instellings regoor die wêreld. In Ghana is die Kliniese Vaardigheids- en Simulasie Sentrum, Universiteit van Ghana Mediese Skool, 'n fasiliteit vir simulasie gebaseerde mediese opleiding. Die Sentrum bied 'n realistiese pasiënt ervaring, wat kunsmatig geskep word om aansienlike ervaring van die werklike wêreld in 'n ten volle deelnemende en interaktiewe situasie na te boots. Die behoefte om die veiligheid van pasiënte en die lewering van gehalte pasiënt-sorg te lewer het nodig geword en dit is om hierdie rede dat simulasie 'n groot rol het om te speel. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek ervarings van onderrig- en leer-sessies van mediese studente in die Kliniese Vaardigheids- en Simulasie Sentrum, Universiteit van Ghana Mediese Skool, met die doel om onderrig en leer van kliniese vaardighede te optimaliseer. Kwalitatiewe data is ingesamel van mediese studente deur fokusgroepbesprekings. Die data is ontleed deur gebruik te maak van tematiese netwerke,wat 'n analitiese instrument is vir kwalitatiewe navorsing. Verskeie basiese temas is uit die onderhoud-transkripsies geïdentifiseer, wat verdeel kan word in vyf breë organiserings temas naamlik positiewe ervarings, negatiewe ervarings, uitdagings, motivering en aanbevelings. Uit hierdie organiserings temas, het die globale tema na vore gekom, naamlik die ervarings van die onderrigsessies van mediese student by die Kliniese Vaardigheids- en Simulasie Sentrum. Die tematiese analise het die proses van verkryging van vaardighede as 'n hoofsaaklik positiewe ervaring deur die mediese studente uitgewys te midde van die negatiewe ervaring van 'n paar van die student. Die afstand van die sentrum tot by die hoofkampus was vir baie student 'n uitdaging. Studente is egter gemotiveer deur hul behoefte om te oefen en het 'n paar nuttige aanbevelings voorgestel om op hul onderrig en leer sessies by die Sentrum te verbeter.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2016
UCTD, Medicine -- Study and teaching -- Simulations methods, Medicine -- Computer-assisted instruction, University of Ghana. Medical School