Investigation into a proposed HVDC series tap topology

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HVDC Transmission has found widespread application through-out the world. The typical HVDC Transmission system consists of two terminals and provides point-to-point large scale power delivery. HVDC Transmission systems can be extended to become multi-terminal systems. Introducing series taps is the easiest way to achieve this. Introducing a HVDC Series Tap into a HVDC Transmission system presents several challenges. These include the additional voltage drop present on the line, switching noise introduced by the use of a power electronic converter and providing galvanic isolation between the line potential and the ground potential. Several topologies have been proposed but none has been accepted as the industry standard implementation. This thesis discusses the design of a HVDC Series Tap utilising an air-core transformer. A scale model of the proposed HVDC Series Tap is constructed and implemented on a HVDC Transmission Line model. Experimental results are presented.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoogspanning Gelykstroom Transmissie word tans wêreldwyd toegepas. Die algemene Hoog-spanning Gelykstroom Transmissiestelsel bestaan uit twee terminale en word gebruik om dry-wing van punt tot punt te verskaf. Hoogspanning Gelykstroom Transmissiestesels kan uitgebrei word om uit meer as twee terminale te bestaan. Die eenvoudigste manier om hierdie doel te bereik is om serie aftap punte by te voeg. Om ’n Hoogspanning Gelykstroom Serie Tap tot ’n Hoogspanning Gelykstroom Transmissie- stelsel by te voeg bied verskeie uitdagings. Hierdie uitdagings sluit die teenwoordigheid van ’n addisionele spanningsval oor die lyn, skakelruis wat weens die gebruik van skakelelektronika ontstaan en die voorsiening van galvaniese isolasie tussen die lynpotensiaal en grondpotensi-aal in. Verskeie topologieë is al voorheen voorgestel, maar geen word aanvaar as die industrie standaard nie. Hierdie tesis bespreek die ontwerp van ’n Hoogspanning Gelykstroom Serie Tap wat van ’n lugkerntransformator gebruik maak. ’n Model op skaal is van die voorgestelde Hoogspanning Gelykstroom Serie Tap gebou en op ’n model van ’n Hoogspanning Gelykstroom Transmissie-stelsel geïmplementeer. Eksperimentele resultate word voorgelê.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Tap Topology, UCTD, High voltages -- Position analysis, Direct current amplifiers, Electric power transmission, Electronic curcuits, Transfomers, Electric