Governing the strategic alignment of big data with the use of the COBIT 5 control framework

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The rapid increase in data, whether in a traditionally structured or unstructured format, has prompted the inception of a new technology trend, namely big data. In order for companies to gain value from their investment, big data must be governed properly. One of the main contributing factors as to why companies that have invested in this trend cannot gain value from big data, is misalignment between their business strategies (business model), the information that has the potential to generate value; i.e. big data (information drivers), and IT (data model). This research focuses on strategic alignment as an IT governance objective and develops a best practices guide to help companies who have invested in this trend to govern strategic alignment. A three-step methodology is developed to help build the best practices guide. The benefits of big data are used to identify business imperatives (selected at strategic level) as part of step 1 of the methodology. Step 2 sets out to identify the risks associated with big data. These risks are then rephrased to represent strategic risks. Step 3 provides an understanding of COBIT 5, a comprehensive control framework, in order to identify those COBIT 5 processes which support strategic alignment. The best practices guide is built by mapping the strategic big data risks (step 2) to those COBIT 5 processes that support strategic alignment (step 3). Companies that have invested in big data and that wish to govern strategic alignment successfully are advised to implement these COBIT 5 processes to address the risks associated with big data at a strategic level.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vinnige toename in data, hetsy in ’n tradisioneel gestruktureerde of ongestruktureerde formaat, het gelei tot die ontstaan van nuwe tegnologiese tendens, naamlik ‘big data’. Vir besighede om waarde te kry uit hul belegging moet ‘big data’ reg bestuur word. Een van die hoof bydraende faktore waarom besighede, wat reeds in hierdie tendens investeer het, nie waarde uit die belegging kan genereer nie, is wanbelyning tussen die besigheidstrategieë (besigheidsmodelle), die inligting wat die potensiaal het om waarde toe te voeg, d.w.s. die ‘big data’ (inligtingdrywers) en IT (data-modelle). Hierdie navorsing plaas fokus op strategiese belyning as IT bestuursdoelwit en ontwikkel gids vir beste praktyke om besighede wat in hierdie tendens belê het te help om die strategiese belyning te bestuur. Drie-stap metodologie is ontwikkel om die gids vir beste praktyke te bou. Die voordele van ‘big data’ is gebruik, as deel van stap 1 van die metodologie, om die besigheidsimperatiewe (wat op strategiese vlak selekteer is) te identifiseer. Stap 2 poog om die risiko’s wat verband hou met ‘big data’ te identifiseer. Hierdie risiko’s word dan herfraseer om strategiese risiko’s te verteenwoordig. In stap 3 word ’n beter begrip verkry van COBIT 5, omvattende kontrole raamwerk, om daardie prosesse van COBIT 5 te identifiseer wat strategiese belyning ondersteun. Die gids vir beste praktyke word dan gebou deur die strategiese ‘big data’ risiko’s (stap 2) te karteer teen daardie COBIT 5 prosesse wat strategiese belyning ondersteun (stap 3). Besighede wat investeer het in ‘big data’ en suksesvol wil wees in die bestuur van strategiese belyning, word aangeraai om hierdie COBIT 5 prosesse te implementeer om die risiko’s van ‘big data’ aan te spreek op ’n strategiese vlak.
Thesis (MComm)—Stellenbosch University, 2015.
UCTD, Big data, Database management, Strategic planning, Business -- Data processing, COBIT (Information technology management standard)