A parallel cellular automaton simulation framework using CUDA

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : In the current digital age, the use of cellular automata to simulate natural systems has grown more popular as our understanding of cellular systems increases. Up until about a decade ago, digital models based on the concept of cellular automata have primarily been simulated with sequential rule application algorithms, which do not exploit the inherent parallel nature of cellular automata. However, since parallel computation platforms have become more commercially available, researchers have started to investigate the advantages of parallel rule application algorithms for basic cellular automata. For this thesis, a parallel cellular automaton framework, based on NVIDIA CUDA is developed to simplify the implementation of a wide range of cellular automata. This framework is used to investigate the potential performance advantages of using graphical processing units as a parallel processing platform for cellular automata.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : In die huidige digitale era het die gebruik van sellulêre outomate om natuurlike stelsels te simuleer, aansienlik toegeneem soos wat ons begrip van sellulêre stelsels verbreed word. Tot om en by 'n dekade gelede is digitale modelle wat met behulp van sellulêre outomate gesimuleer word, hoofsaaklik met sekwensiële reëlfunksies gesimuleer. As gevolg hiervan het die inherente parallelle natuur van sellulêre outomate nie tot sy volle reg gekom nie. Aangesien parallelle berekenings-platforms egter onlangs meer kommersieël beskikbaar geraak het, span navorsers hierdie platforms nou in om parallelle reëlfunksies te skep vir meer basiese sellulêre outomate. Vir hierdie tesis is 'n parallelle sellulêre outomaat simulasieraamwerk geskep, wat gebruik maak van die NVIDIA CUDA parallelle berekenings-platform. Hierdie raamwerk is geskep om die implementasie van 'n verskeidenheid van sellulêre outomate te vereenvoudig, en is ingespan om die potensiële tydsvoordeel van gra ese verwerkingseenhede te ondersoek in die implementasie van sellulêre outomate.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Cellular systems, Parallelization, CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), Memory management (Operating systems), UCTD, Cellular automata, Memory management (Computer science)