Investigating the level of alignment between the municipal capital budgets and the spatial development frameworks in the Ehlanzeni district municipality

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the impact of two important post 1994 planning initiatives on spatial restructuring through an empirical analysis of the extent of alignment between the municipal Spatial Development Frameworks and the application of capital budgets as presented in their Integrated Development Plans. The study area includes four local municipalities in the Ehlanzeni District Municipality in the Mpumalanga province and used budget information over a three year period between 2011/12 and 2013/14. The analysis considered total planned investment as well as investment in three sub-categories including infrastructure, economic and social investment. The results of the study indicated that overall the planned spatial investment patterns as reflected by the IDP capital budgets of the municipalities were influenced by some of the spatial development priorities as outlined in the municipal SDFs. The regional and first order nodes were prioritized across all the investment categories and the special nodes targeted for economic investment. Second order nodes were however only prioritized for the social investment category. The development corridors identified in the SDFs were only marginally prioritized in terms of planned social and economic investment
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die invloed van twee belangrike beplanningsprosesse op die ruimtelike herstrukturering van munisipaliteite deur die vlak van belyning tussen die kapitale begrotings en die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke van munisipaliteite te ondersoek. Die studie area bestaan uit vier plaaslike munisipaliteite wat deel vorm van die Ehlanzeni distriksmunisipaliteit in die Mpumalanga provinsie. Die fokus is op die totale beplande munisipale kapitaalbesteding oor die periode 2011/12 tot 2013/14 sowel as in drie subkategorieë wat insluit infrastruktuur, ekonomiese en maatskaplike. Die resultate van die studie toon dat die beplande kapitale besteding van die munisipaliteite op ‘n oorhoofse vlak wel beinvloed is deur sekere elemente soos geindentifiseer in die munisipale ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke. Die streeks- en eerste orde nodusse is duidelik geprioritiseer vir belegging in al die verskillende sub-kategoriee en die spesiale nodusse vir ekonomiese investering. Die resultate toon dat die tweede orde nodusse egter slegs geprioritiseer is vir sosiale investering. Die ontwikkelingskorridors soos geidentifiseer in die ruimtelike ontwikkelingsraamwerke is slegs op ‘n beperkte skaal geprioritiseer vir sosiale en ekonomiese investering
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
Spatial Development Framework, Spatial Planning, Capital budget, Integrated Development Planning (IDP), Budget -- Planning, UCTD