Imagologie en die bestudering van literêre stereotipes in die onderrig van Afrikaans as addisionele taal

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AOSIS Publishing
Imagology is the study of national and ethnic stereotypes as represented in literature. These stereotypes are represented in literary images of identity and alterity when intercultural contact is portrayed in texts. The main concepts of Imagology are discussed to provide educators with a scientific framework in the teaching of Afrikaans as additional language, with specific reference to literature teaching. Learners from various cultural backgrounds bring with them their own stereotypes. Studying literary youth texts that portray images of national stereotypes can facilitate the process of intercultural understanding and reconciliation. Learners can be exposed to the representation of Self and Other in prescribed Afrikaans literary texts without their self-image being threatened, yet discovering the relativity of values, and learning respect for their own culture as well as for that of the target language. The background, scientific approach and principles of Imagology are described, as well as important concepts. By using Imagology as a literary tool in studying Afrikaans texts in the additional language classroom, literature teaching will include looking at the narrative and functions of youth literature to discern psychological and ideological focalisation, together with its influence on negative and positive representations of Self and Other.
CITATION: Kruger, E. 2002. Imagologie en die bestudering van literêre stereotipes in die onderrig van Afrikaans as addisionele taal. Literator, 23(3): 97-220, doi: 10.4102/lit.v23i3.350.
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Stereotypes (Social psychology) in literature, Imagery (Psychology) in literature, Afrikaans language -- Study and teaching, Second language acquisition
Kruger, E. 2002. Imagologie en die bestudering van literêre stereotipes in die onderrig van Afrikaans as addisionele taal. Literator, 23(3): 97-220, doi: 10.4102/lit.v23i3.350