Simulating the effect of wind on the performance of axial flow fans in air-cooled steam condenser systems

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of air-cooled steam condensers (ACSCs) is the preferred cooling method in the chemical and power industry due to stringent environmental and water use regulations. The performance of ACSCs is however highly dependent on the influence of windy conditions. Research has shown that the presence of wind reduces the performance of ACSCs. It has been found that cross-winds (wind perpendicular to the longest side of the ACSC) cause distorted inlet flow conditions, particularly at the upstream peripheral fans near the symmetry plane of the ACSC. These fans are subjected to what is referred to as '2-D' wind conditions, which are characterised by flow separation on the upstream edge of the fan inlets. Experimental investigations into inlet flow distortion have simulated these conditions by varying the fan platform height. Low platform heights resulted in higher levels of inlet flow distortion, as also found to exist with high cross-wind speeds. This investigation determines the performance of various fan configurations (representative of configurations used in the South- African power industry) subjected to distorted inlet flow conditions through experimental and numerical investigations. The similarity between platform height and cross-wind effects is also investigated and a correlation between system volumetric effectiveness, platform height and cross-wind velocity is found.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van lugverkoelde stoom kondensors (LVSK's) word verkies as 'n verkoelingsmetode in die chemiese- en kragvoorsieningsindustrie as gevolg van streng omgewings- en waterverbruiksregulasies. Die werkverrigting van LVSK's word egter grootliks beïnvloed deur die teenwoordigheid van wind. Navorsing het gewys dat die teenwoordigheid van wind die werkverrigting van LVSK's verminder. Daar was gevind dat kruiswinde (wind loodreg tot die langste sy van die LVSK) versteurde inlaat vloeitoestande veroorsaak, veral by waaiers wat aan die stroomop kant van die LVSK naby die simmetrievlak geleë is. Hierdie waaiers word blootgestel aan na wat verwys word as '2-D' windtoestande wat gekenmerk word deur vloeiwegbreking wat plaasvind by die stroomop rand van die waaierinlate. Eksperimentele ondersoeke van inlaat vloeiversteurings het hierdie toestande gesimuleer deur die waaier platformhoogte te verstel. Lae platform hoogtes het gelei tot hoër vlakke van inlaat vloeiversteuring, soortgelyk aan wat gevind word met hoë kruiswindsnelhede. Hierdie ondersoek gebruik numeriese en eksperimentele metodes om die werkverrigting van verskeie waaierkon gurasies (verteenwoordigend van kon- gurasies wat gebruik word in die Suid-Afrikaanse kragvoorsieningsindustrie) wat blootgestel word aan versteurde inlaat vloeitoestande te bepaal. Die ooreenkoms tussen platformhoogte en kruiswind e ekte word ook ondersoek en 'n korrelasie tussen die sisteem volumetriese e ektiwiteit, platformhoogte en kruiswindsnelheid word bepaal.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Axial flow compressors, Air-cooled steam condensers, Distorted inlet flow conditions, Wind-pressure, Condensers (Steam), Fans (Machinery) -- Performance, Unsteady flow (Aerodynamics), Theses -- Mechanical engineering, Dissertations -- Mechanical engineering, UCTD