Ecosystem carbon storage under different land uses in three semi-arid shrublands and a mesic grassland in South Africa

Mills A.J.
O'Connor T.G.
Donaldson J.S.
Fey M.V.
Skowno A.L.
Sigwela A.M.
Lechmere-Oertel R.G.
Bosenberg J.D.
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Carbon (C) storage in biomass and soils is a function of climate, vegetation type, soil type and land management. Carbon storage was examined in intact indigenous vegetation and under different land uses in thicket (250-400 mm mean annual precipitation), xeric shrubland (350 mm), karoo (250 mm), and grassland (900-1200 mm). Carbon storage was as follows: (i) mean soil C (0-50 cm): thicket (T) = grassland (G) > xeric shrubland on Dwyka sediments (XS) > xeric shrubland on dolerite (XSD) > karoo (K) (168, 164, 65, 34 & 26 t ha-1, respectively); (ii) mean root C: T > G > XS = XSD (25.4, 11.4, 7.2 & 7.1 t ha-1); (iii) mean above-ground C including leaf litter: T > XS > G > K > XSD (51.6, 12.9, 2.0, 1.7 & 1.5 t ha-1). Carbon stocks in intact indigenous vegetation were related more to woodiness of vegetation and frequency of fire than to climate. Biomass C was greatest in woody thicket and soil C stocks were greatest in thicket and grassland. Total C storage of 245 t ha-1 in thicket is exceptionally high for a semi-arid region and is comparable with mesic forests. Soil C dominated ecosystem C storage in grassland and was influenced more by soil parent material than land use. The semi-arid sites (xeric shrubland and thicket) were more sensitive to effects of land use on C storage than the grassland site. Effects of land use on C stocks were site- and land use-specific and defied prediction in many instances. The results suggest that modelling of national C stocks would benefit from further research on the interactions between C storage, land use, and soil properties.
biomass, carbon cycle, land management, land use, Africa, Eastern Hemisphere, South Africa, Southern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, World, Arida
South African Journal of Plant and Soil