Application of the aviation derived maintenance free operating period concept in the South African mining industry

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the use and possible application of the concept of the maintenance free operating period (MFOP), derived from the aviation sector, in the mining industry. The traditionally used reliability requirement, mean time between failure (MTBF), has been found to have several inherent problems with its application and definition. These problems are explained in this paper. It also provides a brief overview of the field of physical asset management (PAM), the overall domain of the research, and thereafter provides a characterisation of MTBF and its current use in the mining industry. MFOP is then introduced and contrasted with MTBF. A methodology for the analysis of MFOP performance is introduced and then applied to a case study conducted at an Anglo American platinum mine.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verslag ontleed die nut en moontlike toepassing van die konsep ‘instandhoudingsvrye bedryfstydperk’ (MFOP), wat oorspronklik uit die lugvaartsektor kom, in die mynbedryf. Die tradisionele betroubaarheidsvereiste ‘gemiddelde tydsduur tussen weierings’ (MTBF) blyk etlike inherente probleme te hê wat toepassing en omskrywing betref, wat óók hierin bespreek word. Die navorsing bied voorts ’n bondige oorsig van die terrein van fisiese batebestuur (PAM), synde die oorkoepelende gebied waarop dié studie tuishoort, en beskryf daarná die MTBF-vereiste en die huidige aanwending daarvan in die mynbedryf. MFOP word dan bekend gestel en met MTBF vergelyk. ’n Metode vir die ontleding van MFOP-werkverrigting word voorgestel en uiteindelik op ’n gevallestudie by ’n myn van Anglo American platinum toegepas.
CITATION: Al Shaalane, A. & Vlok, P. J. 2013. Application of the aviation derived maintenance free operating period concept in the South African mining industry. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 24(3):150-165, doi:10.7166/24-3-598.
The original publication is available at
Maintenance, Aviation, Mining industry, Assets (Accounting) -- Maintanance
Al Shaalane, A. & Vlok, P. J. 2013. Application of the aviation derived maintenance free operating period concept in the South African mining industry. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 24(3):150-165, doi:10.7166/24-3-598.