Flow allocation in wireless networks with selfish nodes

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Consider an ad hoc network where packet transmissions occur between the nodes. Optimal flow allocation in such systems can be modelled as a constrained nonlinear optimisation problem. This problem can be solved either by standard methods which assume global knowledge of the system being modelled, or by a distributed algorithm which assumes local knowledge only. We consider an ad hoc network which contains selfish nodes. A selfish node cares only about maximising its own flows and does not care about the utility that any other nodes get. Flow allocation in a network of altruistic and selfish nodes can be modelled as a constrained nonlinear optimisation problem and solved by standard methods. However, in this case a dynamic algorithm to compute the network flows in not available. We modify the behaviour of the selfish nodes so that a dynamic solution is possible. In this scheme, selfish nodes advertise false (inflated) resource prices to the other nodes. These nodes respond by not routing their flows through the selfish nodes, and the selfish nodes can now can use all their resources to transmit their own flows. The flows return to their optimal values if the selfish nodes subsequently advertise the correct prices for their resources. Altruistic nodes can detect the inflated prices charged by the selfish nodes and respond by advertising false (inflated) prices to the selfish nodes. In this case the flows originating at the selfish nodes are reduced, but the flows do not return to their optimal values. This scheme also has a distributed solution.
CITATION: Krzesinski, A. E. 2013. Flow allocation in wireless networks with selfish nodes. In Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2013 Proceedings, 1-4 September, Stellenbosch, pp.285-290.
The original publication is available at http://www.satnac.org.za
Algorithms, Lagrangian functions, Wireless communication systems
Krzesinski, A. E. 2013. Flow allocation in wireless networks with selfish nodes. In Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2013 Proceedings, 1-4 September, Stellenbosch, pp.285-290.