An investigation on the responses of men to an HIV-positive diagnosis

Qubuda, Thozamile
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research investigates the responses of men to an HIV-positive diagnosis. It was conducted in the light of anecdotal evidence that many men respond to an HIVpositive test result by vowing to infect women, so as not to die alone, or out of a sense of revenge. An explorative-descriptive approach was used. Data was gathered by the use of three research tools: Pre-test questionnaires Post-test interviews Post-test focus groups There was no sample for this study, it represent 100% of men who visited the Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) clinic from June to October 2004. Hundred and fifty respondents filled in pre-test questionnaires and the same respondents were interviewed after. Focus group discussions were conducted as a method to collect qualitative data that was required and the information in which way “people’s feelings, thinking, perceptions and point of views” can be obtained. Respondents participated in focus groups discussions in ten groups in different days in the Kayamandi Primary Health Care Centre to develop a better understanding of gender base violence, an issue that I have identified as a priority for the men of Kayamandi. The focus groups lasted one and a half to two hours. The data generated was analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings indicated that after post-test counselling, 17% of respondents openly said they would infect other people. This is a disturbing scenario. I do not know whether, with time and follow up counselling, there will be a change of mind with this 17%. On the other hand, after post-test counselling 83% said they would protect themselves and others. There were all sots of group dynamics: those that believed in maintaining their culture, and those that said things must change to suit the present situation. The people on the shacks were more tribal with their partners in the hostels. The respondents in formal houses were more liberal. The study’s recommendation draws attention to the need for the inclusion of men in reproductive health and a follow up counselling were both partners are involved. As an urgent need, I would like to concentrate on the 17% who say they will infect other people so as not to die alone. This group represents a huge portion of people living in the shacks. They are
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die reaksie van mans, wat MIV positief gediagnoseer is, te ondersoek. ‘n Verkennend-beskrywende benadering is gebruik en die data is ingesamel deur middel van voor-toets vraelyste, na-toets onderhoude sowel as na-toets fokusgroepe. Die proefpersone het bestaan uit 150 mans wat die Kayamandi kliniek vir vrywillige toetsing en berading tussen Junie en Oktober in 2004 besoek het. Daar is mans wat na die na-toets berading aangedui het dat hul ander mense met hul MIV sal infekteer, eerder as om alleen met die virus te moet leef. Daar is verskillende menings tussen die proefpersone gevind, die wat glo om hul kultuur voort te sit en ander wat besef dat hul seksuele gedrag verander moet word om by hul huidige situasie aan te pas. Daar is bevind dat die inwoners van die krothuise meer gesag oor hul seksuele maats uitoefen as die wat in die hostelle woon. Die persone wat wat in die formele huise woon was egter meer liberaal in die verband. Daar word aanbeveel dat mans deel moet wees van reproduktiewe gesondheid en opvolg benadering saam met hul seksuele maats bywoon. Daar moet dringend aandag geskenk word aan die groep wat aangedui het dat hul ander sal infekteer eerder as om alleen met die virus saam te leef. Hierdie groep verteenwoordig ‘n groot deel van die mense wat in krothuise woon, is werkloos, ongeskoold en gesaghebbend.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
HIV infections -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Psychological aspects, HIV-positive men -- Sexual behavior -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch, Men -- Sexual behavior -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch, Men -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch -- Attitudes, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management