Maatskaplike werkers se funksionering as bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies

Pienaar, Elizabeth Katrina
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the earliest times the church or faith communities had been involved in charity work and as a result of the increasing social problems, demands and challenges that the church was confronted with, faith-based organisations such as the Diaconal Services within the context of the URCSA (Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa) and Religious Social Services within the context of the DRC (Dutch Reformed Church) came into existence. These organisations serve as the compassionate components of the faith-based communities and they emerged as a result of the belief that it is important for the church to address the needs of the communities in which it is based. Faith-based organisations are confronted with many challenges and it is important that these organisations are managed effectively to cope with the current challenges. Faith-based organisations as welfare organisations form part of the so called third sector organisations or non profit organisations and various authors (Lewis, 2007; Goel and Kumar, 2004; Keys and Ginsberg, 1988) also confirm the importance of the management element in respect of these organisations. Weinbach (2008:3) also emphasises that the emergence of recent changes regarding service delivery to people, suggests that there is a need for greater focus on the issue of management within welfare organisations as well as for the study of relevant theory. Social workers can play an effective management role within any organisation, including a faith-based organisation. Managers need to have a variety of skills in order to perform management functions or tasks effectively. A social worker as part of the management team of a faith-based organisation needs to have the necessary management skills to ensure effective management. The aim of the study is to develop an understanding of the management skills that social workers need to have as managers of faith-based organisations. A qualitative as well as a quantitative approach was used in this study. Elements of a qualitative approach were employed to develop a better understanding of a strange or complex situation and therefore the study is also explorative in nature (Leedy and Ormond, 2005:94-95; Struwig and Stead, 2002:12, 19; Mouton and Marais, 1990:45). Furthermore the study was also descriptive in nature. Mouton en Marais (1990:47) are of the opinion that the most important consideration with regard to descriptive studies is the gathering of accurate information or data. After completion of the literature study, empirical research was undertaken with the aim to develop a better understanding of the functioning of the social worker as manager within a faith-based organisation. The statistical population of this study is the social work managers who operate within faith-based organisations and especially within the Religious Social Services and Dutch Reformed Welfare in the Northern Cape and Dutch Reformed Welfare in North-West and Gauteng. Deliberate selection classified as non-probability test sampling was used (Struwig and Stead, 2001:124; Blaxter Hughes and Tight, 2001:163; Huysamen, 1993:46). According to Singleton et al (1988) in De Vos (1988:198-199), a purposeful test sample depend totally on the judgement of the researcher. The researcher was able to select participants who complied with the criteria of inclusion. A semi-structured questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions was compiled after the completion of the literature study and the self-administrated questionnaires were distributed to the respondents to complete. Twenty respondents participated in the empirical study. The results of the empirical research were used as a basis for the conclusions and the recommendations that were made. The results of the study show that faith-based organisations as non profit organisations register and adhere to the regulations and requirements of the Nonprofit Organizations Act, 71 of 1997. The latter ensures that faith-based organisations have an equal change with other non profit organisations for funding from government as well as other national and international donors. It is evident from the research that social work managers need to have a variety of management skills and have to perform certain management functions in order to ensure effective management of faith-based organisations. It is also evident that social work managers are not formally trained as managers. The outcome of the study can be used by management boards of faith-based, as well as non governmental organisations to appoint social work managers as well as for performance appraisals of social work managers. It can also be used by current social work managers with regard to the management skills that social workers as managers of faith-based organisations need for effective functioning as managers.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reeds van die vroegste tye af was die kerk of geloofsgemeenskappe betrokke by barmhartigheid en juis vanweë die toenemende sosiale probleme en die eise en uitdagings wat dit aan kerke gestel het, het geloofsgebaseerde organisasies soos, onder andere, Diakonale Dienste binne die VGK-konteks (Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk-konteks) en Kerklike Maatskaplike Dienste binne die NG Kerk-konteks (Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk-konteks) die lig gesien. Die organisasies dien as barmhartigheidsbeen van die geloofsgemeenskappe en het tot stand gekom vanuit die geloofsoortuiging om die nood te help verlig in die gemeenskappe waar die kerk geleë is. Geloofsgebaseerde organisasies word gekonfronteer met baie uitdagings en moet effektief bestuur word ten einde die hedendaagse uitdagings te kan hanteer. Geloofsgebaseerde organisasies as welsynsorganisasies vorm deel van die sogenaamde derdesektor-organisasies of nie-winsgewende organisasies en verskeie skrywers (Lewis, 2007; Goel en Kumar, 2004; Keys en Ginsberg, 1988) onderskryf ook die belangrikheid van die bestuurselement t.o.v. hierdie organisasies. Weinbach (2008:3) benadruk ook dat die veranderinge wat onlangs in die dienslewering aan mense begin kop uitsteek het, daarop dui dat daar ʼn behoefte is aan ʼn groter fokus op die kwessie van bestuur binne welsynsorganisasies, sowel as vir die bestudering van relevante teorie. Maatskaplike werkers kan ʼn effektiewe bestuursrol binne enige organisasie insluitende ʼn geloofsgebaseerde organisasie vervul. Bestuurders van enige organisasie moet oor ʼn verskeidenheid vaardighede beskik ten einde die bestuursfunksies of take effektief uit te voer. ʼn Maatskaplike werker as deel van die bestuurspan van ʼn geloofsgebaseerde organisasie moet oor die nodige bestuursvaardighede beskik om effektiewe bestuur te verseker. Die doel van die studie is om ʼn begrip te ontwikkel vir die bestuursvaardighede wat maatskaplike werkers as bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies benodig. In hierdie studie is ʼn kwalitatiewe benadering sowel as ʼn kwantitatiewe benadering gevolg. Elemente van ʼn kwalitatiewe benadering is gevolg om ʼn beter begrip te kry van ʼn onbekende of komplekse situasie en die studie was verkennend van aard (Leedy en Ormond, 2005:94-95; Struwig en Stead, 2002:12,19; Mouton en Marais, 1990:45). Die studie was verder ook beskrywend van aard. Mouton en Marais (1990:47) is van mening dat die verkryging van akkurate inligting/data oor die domeinverskynsel onder bestudering, die belangrikste oorweging is in beskrywende studies. Na die afhandeling van die literatuurstudie, is ’n empiriese ondersoek gedoen met die doel om ʼn beter begrip van die funksionering van die maatskaplike werker as bestuurder binne ʼn geloofsgebaseerde organisasie te verkry. Die universum van hierdie studie is alle maatskaplike werk bestuurders wat binne geloofsgemeenskappe funksioneer, en spesifiek binne die Kerklike Maatskaplike Diens en NG Welsyn in Suid-Afrika. Dit was egter beperk tot die Kerklike Maatskaplike Diens in die Vrystaat, NG Welsyn in die Noordkaap en NG Welsyn Noordwes en Gauteng. Daar is gebruik gemaak van doelbewuste seleksie wat as nie-waarskynlikheidsteekproewe (Struwig en Stead, 2001:124; Blaxter Hughes en Tight, 2001:163; Huysamen, 1993:46) geklassifiseer word. Volgens Singleton et al (1988) in De Vos (1988:198-199), berus ʼn doelbewuste steekproef heeltemal op die oordeel van die navorser. In die geval van hierdie studie kon die navorser die deelnemers kies wat aan die kriteria vir insluiting voldoen het. ’n Semi-gestruktureerde vraelys wat bestaan het uit oop en geslote vrae is na die voltooiing van die literatuurstudie opgestel en die self-geadministreerde vraelyste is aan die respondente verskaf om te voltooi. Twintig respondente het aan die empiriese studie deelgeneem. Die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek is as basis gebruik vir die gevolgtrekkings en die aanbevelings wat in hierdie studie gemaak is. Die resultate van die studie toon dat geloofsgebaseerde organisasies as nie-winsgewende organisasies registreer en by die voorskrifte en vereistes van Die Wet op Organisasies Sonder Winsoogmerk, 71 van 1997 hou. Laasgenoemde verseker dat hulle ʼn gelyke kans het net soos ander nie-winsgewende organisasies vir befondsing van die staat en ander nasionale of internasionale donateurs. Uit die studie blyk dit dat die maatskaplike werk bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies oor ʼn verskeidenheid van bestuursvaardighede moet beskik en sekere bestuursfunksies moet verrig ten einde effektiewe bestuur van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies te verseker. Dit blyk ook verder dat maatskaplike werk bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies nie formeel as bestuurders opgelei is nie. Die uitkoms van die studie sal deur die besture van geloofsgebaseerde en nie-regeringsorganisasies gebruik kan word vir die aanstelling van maatskaplike werk bestuurders en prestasie-evaluasies van maatskaplike werk bestuurders. Dit kan ook deur bestaande maatskaplike werk bestuurders benut word met betrekking tot die bestuursvaardighede wat maatskaplike werkers as bestuurders van geloofsgebaseerde organisasies benodig vir effektiewe funksionering as bestuurders.
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Social work administration, Religious institutions -- Management, UCTD, Dissertations -- Social work, Theses -- Social work