A further modification, elaboration

Herselman, Trevor Dwayne
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African organisations within both the private and public sectors of the economy are investing heavily into their talented employees, in an attempt to derive a sustainable competitive advantage. This competitive advantage is threatened when employees engage in turnover behaviours. This study is directed at understanding those factors that contribute to employees’ intention to quit following employees’ perceptions of training and development initiatives. Empirical support has been found that certain line management talent management competencies would result in the retention of talented employees. This study investigated an existing talent management competency structural model, with a specific focus on two talent management competencies related to employee development, namely: Talent Management Mindset and Develops Others. Furthermore, this study investigated the inclusion of additional latent variables (Organisational Trust, Perceived Organisational Support, and Felt Obligation) that may potentially explain additional variance in various organisational outcome variables (i.e. Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Normative Commitment, and Intention to Quit). Through understanding how line managers’ competence on talent management competencies influence employees’ perceptions of organisational development initiatives and how these employee perceptions are causally related to Intention to Quit, organisations will be in the prime position to effectively address the issue of employee turnover, through structured talent management retention programmes. The results of the current study showed that the original structural model displayed good fit. Based on the modification index values calculated for the G and B matrices, a number of modifications were made to the structural model. Following the modifications to the original model, the fit of the model improved, and support was derived for numerous causal relationships proposed in the model, whist others were not supported.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid - Afrikaanse organisasies in beide die privaat – en openbare sektor maak beduidende beleggings in hul talentvolle werknemers in ‘n poging om ‘n volhoubare mededingende voordeel te bewerkstellig. Hierdie mededingende voordeel word egter bedreig wanneer werknemers die organisasie verlaat. Die studie het ten doel gehad om die faktore te verstaan wat bydra tot werknemers se diensverlatingsvoorneme gegee hul persepsie van opleiding en ontwikkelings - inisiatiewe. Die empiriese bevindinge toon dat sekere lynbestuur - talentbestuurbevoegdhede lei tot die behoud van talent. Die studie het ‘n bestaande talentbestuur bevoegdheids model ondersoek, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op twee talentbestuur bevoegdhede wat verband hou met werknemer ontwikkeling, naamlik: Talentbestuur – ingesteldheiden Ontwikkeling van Ander. Die studie het voorts ook die insluiting van addisionale latent veranderlikes (Organisatoriese Vertroue, Waargenome Organisatoriese Ondersteuning, en Verpligting Ervaar) ondersoek wat moontlik addisionele variansie in verskeie organisatoriese uitkoms veranderlikes kan verklaar (i.e. Werkstevredenheid, Affektiewe Verbintenis, Normatiewe Verbintenis, en Diensverlatingsvoornemes). Deur te verstaan hoe lynbestuurders se bevoegdheid op talentbestuur bevoegdhede werknemers se persepsies van organisatoriese ontwikkelings-inisiatiewe beïnvloed en hoe hierdie persepsie oorsaaklik verband hou met Diensverlatingsvoorneme, sal organisasies in ‘n gunstige posisie wees om diensverlating op ‘n effektiewe wyse aan te spreek deur middel van gestruktureerde talentbestuur behoud programme. Die resultate van die huidige studie toon dat die oorspronklike strukturele model goeie pasgehalte behaal het. Na aanleiding van die modifikasie–indekswaardes wat bereken is vir die G en B matryse , is ‘n aantal veranderinge aan die strukturele model gemaak. Nadat die veranderinge aan die oorspronklike model aangebring is, het die pasgehalte van die model verbeter en steun is verkry vir verskeie oorsaaklike verwantskappe wat voor gehou is in die model, terwyl ander nie steun verkry het nie.
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Labor turnover -- South Africa, Talent retention -- Management -- South Africa, Employee retention -- Management -- South Africa, Job satisfaction -- South Africa, UCTD