A preliminary assessment of the implementation of the rehabilitation programme for offenders in the Boksburg management area

Dlamini, Fikile Gladys
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Increasingly, concerns are being raised about the growing incidents of recidivism in South Africa. Of great concern is that reoffending often involves serious crimes such as murder, rape, robbery and substance abuse. The main purpose of this research was to assess how well rehabilitation programmes are implemented in the Boksburg Management Area, and to determine whether such efforts benefited offenders. Based on a qualitative case study design, data was collected from this area using semi-structured interviews, document analysis and observation in September 2013. Participants included programme officials, social workers, facilitators, case managers, inmates and representatives from participating NPOs and CBOs. A nonprobability sampling method called purposive sampling was utilised to construct this sample. The study used the 5C model as the basis for assessing the implementation of the rehabilitation programme in the Boksburg Management Area and the following findings are as identified. Firstly, the officials are conversant with the goals of the rehabilitation programme. The country’s socio economic circumstances have an influence on rehabilitation as evidenced by the wide variety of projects offered, including literacy initiatives, bakery services, furniture manufacturing, and welding, landscaping and community-based agricultural projects. Commitment can be increased and harnessed to obtain support for organisational ends and interests through such ploys as participation in decisions and actions. Capacity is the key to successful execution and sustainability of rehabilitative programme. Lastly, the offenders as clients are the key beneficiaries of rehabilitation programmes and that formation of alliances with civil organisations is critical for effective implementation of rehabilitation programme. It was therefore concluded that while substantial gains had been realised in implementing the rehabilitation programme, however more efforts were required to improve access to rehabilitation services. Amongst other things, the study recommended that institutional capacity be improved to ensure that inmates benefit immensely from the rehabilitation programme.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word toenemend kommer uitgespreek oor groeiende residivisme in Suid-Afrika. Die feit dat herhalende oortredings dikwels ernstige misdade soos moord, verkragting, roof en delmmisbruik insluit, is erg kommerwekkend. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsing was om vas te stel hoe doeltreffend rehabilitasieprogramme in die Boskburg Bestuursarea geïmplimenteer word en om vas te stel of sulke pogings oortreders bevoordeel het. Die studie-ontwerp van die ondersoek is gebaseer op kwalitatiewe gevallestudies. Data is uit hierdie area bekom deur die gebruik van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, dokument anaslise en observasie gedurende September 2013. Deelnemers het programbeamptes, maatskaplike werkers, fasiliteerders, saakbestuurders, gevangenes en verteenwoordigers van deelnemende nie-winsgewende organisasies en gemeenskapsgebaseerde organisasies ingesluit. ‘n Nie-waarskynlikheids steekproefmetode, bekend as ‘n doelmatigheidssteekproefneming, is gebruik om hierdie steekproef saam te stel. Die studie het die 5C model as basis vir die assessering van die rehabilitasieprogram in die Boksburg Bestuursarea gebruik en die volgende bevindings is gemaak. Eerstens is bevind dat die beamptes vertroud is met die doelwitte van die rehabilitasieprogram. Die land se sosio-ekonomiese onstandigehde het ‘n invloed op rehabilitasie soos bewys deur ‘n wye verskeidenheid projekte wat aangebied word, insluitend geletterdheidsinisiatiewe, bakkerydienste, meubelvervaardiging, sweiswerk, tuinaanleg en gemeenskapsgebaseerde landbouprojekte. Betrokkenheid kan verhoog en behou word, met die oog daarop om ondersteuning vir organisatoriese doelwitte en belange te verkry, deur byvoorbeeld deelname aan besluite en aksies. Kapasiteit is die sleutel tot die suksesvolle uitvoering en volhoubaarheid ‘n rehabilitasieprogram. Laastens, is oortreders as kliënte die vernaamste voordeeltrekkers van rehabilitasieprograamme. Die vorming van bondgenootskappe met burgerlike organisasies is van kritieke belang vir die effektiewe implementasie van ‘n rehabilitasieprogram. Hoewel beduidende vordering reeds plaasgevind het met die implementasie van die rehabilitasieprogram, was die gevolgtrekking dus dat meer pogings vereis word om toegang tot rehabilitasiedienste te verbeter. Die studie het, onder andere, aanbeveel dat institusionele kapasiteit verbeter moet word om te verseker dat gevangenes ontsaglik baat vind by die rehabilitasieprogram.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Criminals -- Rehabilitation -- South Africa -- Gauteng, Recidivism -- South Africa -- Gauteng, Social work with criminals -- South Africa -- Gauteng, UCTD, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning