A study to establish the beliefs and expectations of adult males who enrol for male circumcision at Mariental State Hospital (Mariental District, Hardap Region, Namibia)

Kadenge, Gwinyai
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Since the launch of the Male Circumcision (MC) HIV prevention program in Mariental, Namibia, concerns have arisen that men in this community might start developing a false sense of protection against HIV and engage in risk compensatory behaviors after circumcision. Though the effectiveness of male circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy has been established, no conclusive remarks have been made as yet on the aspect of risk compensation after male circumcision. However, one study done in Kisumu Kenya was able to establish that men’s beliefs and perceptions towards male circumcision do play a major role in determining how they are likely to behave after the procedure (Mattsony, Wilsonz & Xiong, 2011). Objectives: The objectives of this study were; - To establish males who enrol for circumcision’s knowledge and beliefs about MC. - To identify what influenced their decision to enrol for MC. - To establish males who enrol for circumcision’s perception on MC and HIV prevention. - To determine adult males’ perceived lifestyle changes after male circumcision. Methods: This study was a cross sectional survey which employed quantitative methodologies to quantify the knowledge beliefs and expectations of adult males who came to enrol for male circumcision. Results: Findings from the study show that many adult males who come to enrol for male circumcision in Mariental do not recognise the importance of MC as an HIV prevention strategy. Most of them have the wrong perceptions about MC and HIV prevention. The findings also show that men with wrong perceptions about MC and HIV prevention are more likely to engage in risk compensatory behaviour after MC. Conclusion: The launch of the male circumcision for HIV prevention in Mariental is a most crucial and significant development in curbing the spread of HIV in this part of Namibia. Current efforts need to focus on ensuring that men in our community have the correct understanding about MC and HIV prevention, so that they will enrol for the program with the right perspective, thus enabling them to focus on pursuing desired lifestyle changes after MC.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Sedert die bekendstelling van die Manlike Besnydenis (MC) MIV-voorkomingsprogram in Marienthal, Namibië, het besorgdheid ontstaan dat mans in hierdie gemeenskap ’n onjuiste sin van beskerming teen MIV kan begin ontwikkel en na besnydenis by risikokompenserende gedrag betrokke kan raak. Hoewel die doeltreffendheid van manlike besnydenis as ’n MIV-voorkomingstrategie gevestig is, is geen onweerlegbare uitlatings nog oor die aspek van risikokompensasie na manlike besnydenis gemaak nie. Een studie in Kisumu, Kenia, kon egter vasstel dat mans se oortuigings en persepsies oor manlike besnydenis wel ’n groot rol speel om te bepaal hoe hulle na die prosedure sal optree (Mattsony, Wilsonz & Xiong, 2011). Doelstellings: Die doelstellings van hierdie studie was: - Om mans wat vir besnydenis aanmeld se kennis en oortuigings oor MC te bepaal. - Om te identifiseer wat hulle beïnvloed het om vir MC aan te meld. - Om mans wat vir besnydenis aanmeld se persepsie oor MC en MIV-voorkoming te bepaal. - Om volwasse mans se waarneembare lewenstylveranderings na manlike besnydenis te bepaal. Metodes: Hierdie studie was ’n deursnee-opname wat kwantitatiewe metodes gebruik het om die kennis, oortuigings en verwagtings van volwasse mans te bepaal wat vir manlike besnydenis aangemeld het. Resultate: Die studie het bevind dat baie volwasse mans wat in Marienthal vir manlike besnydenis aangemeld het nie die belangrikheid van MC as ’n MIV-voorkomingstrategie ingesien het nie. Die meeste van hulle het verkeerde persepsies oor MC en MIV-voorkoming. Die bevindings toon ook dat mans met verkeerde persepsies oor MC en MIV-voorkoming meer geneig is om hulle na MC aan risikokompenserende gedrag skuldig te maak. Gevolgtrekking: Die bekendstelling van manlike besnydenis vir MIV-voorkoming in Marienthal is ’n deurslaggewende en sinvolle ontwikkeling om die verspreiding van MIV in hierdie deel van Namibië te beheer. Huidige pogings behoort daarop te konsentreer dat mans in ons gemeenskap MC en MIV-voorkoming reg verstaan sodat hulle met die regte perspektief vir die program sal aanmeld om hulle sodoende in staat te stel om die gewenste lewenstylveranderings na MC na te streef.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Circumcision -- Health aspects -- Namibia -- Mariental, HIV infections -- Namibia -- Mariental -- Prevention, HIV infections -- Risk factors -- Namibia -- Mariental, UCTD,