Flow and reactive transport processes in porous media

Amikiya, Emmanuel Adoliwine
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Flow and reactive transport of chemical species is a very common phenomenon that occurs in natural and artificial systems. However in this study, the topic is related to acid mine drainage in the South African mining environment. Due to the hazards associated with acid mine drainage, prevention or treatment of mine effluent water before discharging to receiving waters and other environments is a necessity. A new time-dependent mathematical model is developed for a passive treatment method, based on multi-scale modelling of the coupled physico-chemical processes such as diffusion, convection, reactions and filtration, that are involved in the treatment process. The time-dependent model is simulated on a two-dimensional domain using finite volume discretization to obtain chemical species distributions.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vloei en reagerende transport van chemiese spesies is ’n baie algemene verskynsel wat in natuurlike en kunsmatige stelsels plaasvind. In hierdie studie is die onderwerp egter verwant aan suurmyndreinering in die Suid-Afrikaanse mynbou-omgewing. As gevolg van die gevare wat verband hou met suurmyndreinering, is die voorkoming of die behandeling van die afval-mynwater voor dit in opvangswaters en ander omgewings beland ’n noodsaaklikheid. ’n Nuwe tydafhanklike wiskundige model vir ’n passiewe behandelingsmetode is ontwikkel. Dit is gebaseer op die multi-skaal modulering van gekoppelde fisies-chemiese prosesse soos diffusie, konveksie, reaksies en filtrasie, wat by die behandelingsproses betrokke is. Die tydafhanklike model word gesimuleer op ’n twee-dimensionele domein met behulp van eindige volume diskretisasie om die verspreiding van chemiese spesies te bepaal.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Dissertations -- Mathematical sciences, Theses -- Mathematical sciences, Dissertations -- Applied mathematics, Theses -- Applied mathematics, Acid mine drainage -- South Africa -- Purification -- Mathematical models, Fluid dynamics -- Mathmatical models, Porous materials -- Transport properties -- Mathematical models