Health lifestyle interventions and climate change : how can we change our lifestyle to help mitigate climate change

Mash, Bob
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Health and Medical Publishing Group (HMPG)
The recent high-level meeting of the general assembly of the United Nations noted with concern the ‘increasing challenges posed by climate change and the loss of biodiversity, and their effect on the control and prevention of non-communicable diseases'. This article explores what lifestyle interventions should be promoted in order to mitigate climate change and in particular explores those that also contribute towards preventing and controlling noncommunicable chronic diseases. Health professionals are in a unique position to offer education and counselling on healthy lifestyle as they come into frequent contact with their patients and are viewed as reliable sources of information. As climate change is now one of the major public health challenges of the 21st century we anticipate that health professionals will incorporate appropriate lifestyle education and counselling into their interactions with patients.
The original publication is available at
Climatic changes -- Health aspects, Environmentally induced diseases -- Prevention
Mash, B. 2012. Health lifestyle interventions and climate change: how can we change our lifestyle to help mitigate climate change. Continuing Medical Education, 30(3):80-83.