The prevalence of intra-uterine growth retardation in patients with positive contraction stress tests

Odendaal, H. J.
Jaroszewicz, A. M.
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Health and Medical Publishing Group -- HMPG
The gestational ages of 66 neonates delivered after positive contraction stress tests (CSTs) were estimated by means of the Dubowitz score. Forty-three (65%) of these infants had birth weights below the 10th percentile according to their gestational age. At the beginning of the study 40% of the infants were found to be growth-retarded, but as experience with antenatal fetal heart rate monitoring increased the CSTs were interpreted more accurately. This led to an increase in the incidence of IUGR in infants born after a positive CST to 82%, a predictive value which means that the test compares favourably with other methods of diagnosing the small-for-dates fetus.
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Intra-uterine growth retardation
Odendaal, H. J., Jaroszewicz, A. M. 1981. The prevalence of intra-uterine growth retardation in patients with positive contraction stress tests. South African Medical journal, 14 November: 782-783.