The role of psychosocial counselling in the lives of parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities treated at Tygerberg Academic Hospital

Witbooi, Lizzie Gladys
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Having a child with neurodevelopmental disabilities has a significant impact on the well-being of parents, including experiencing distress and enduring emotional, financial and physical pressure, due to caring for their. They require formal and informal support systems. Formal support includes counselling services. The purpose of the study was to determine what role psychosocial counselling at Tygerberg Academic Hospital (TAH) plays in the lives of parents of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. A descriptive, qualitative approach was followed using semi-structured interviews that focused on the participants’ experiences and perceptions regarding their psychosocial needs and counselling. Eleven parents participated in the study. They were sampled purposively. Emerging themes were identified through content analysis of interviews. The themes identified were: - Emotions; - Parents’ life and relationships; - Lack of support systems to deal with the pressure of care giving; - Social workers; - Challenges with regard to compliance with healthcare provision; and - Gaps identified. The interviews found that parents received no psychosocial counselling at TAH. This was a disappointment to participants. They indicated feeling very isolated and emotional, and experiencing psychological burnout, while such social work services provided focussed on applications for social grants and patient healthcare treatment. Parents identified a great need for counselling services at the hospital as they believed counselling would assist them to work through emotions, address psychosocial needs, find coping strategies and identify available resources within their communities, which would be beneficial to the psychosocial functioning of the whole family. The parents also identified a need for parent support group services at the hospital. The initiation of this service and support groups for parents is recommended.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om 'n kind met neuro-ontwikkelingsgestremdhede te hê, het 'n beduidende impak op die welstand van ouers, insluitend spanning en verduur van emosionele, finansiele en fisieke druk, as gevolg van die versorging van die kind. Hulle benodig formele en informele ondersteuningsnetwerke. Formele ondersteuning sluit beradingsdienste in. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal wat die rol is van psigososiale berading by die Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal in die lewens van ouers van kinders met neuro-ontwikkelingsgestremdhede. 'n Beskrywende, kwalitatiewe benadering is gevolg deur gebruik te maak van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude wat fokus op die deelnemers se ervarings en persepsies ten opsigte van psigososiale behoeftes en berading. Elf ouers het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die deelnemers was doelgerig geselekteer. Temas is geïndentifiseer deur die inhoud van die onderhoude te analiseer. Die temas was as volg: Emosies; - Ouers se lewens en verhoudings; - Tekort aan ondersteuningstrukture om die druk van versorging te hanteer; - Maatskaplike werkers; - Uitdagings met betrekking tot nakoming met gesondheidsorgvoorsiening en - Identifisering van gapings. Die onderhoude het bevestig dat ouers geen psigososiale berading by Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal ontvang nie. Dit was teleurstellend aan die deelnemers. Hulle is geneig om geïsoleerd en emosioneel te voel en beleef ook psigiese uitbranding, terwyl maatskaplikewerk dienste hoofsaaklik fokus op toelaagaansoeke en die pasiëntgesondheidsorgbehandeling. Ouers het 'n groot behoefte aan beradingsdienste by die Tygerberg Akademiese Hospitaal geïdentifiseer, omdat hulle glo dat berading hulle sal help om deur emosies en psigososiale behoeftes te aan te spreek, baasraakstrategieë te vind en beskikbare hulpbronne binne hul gemeenskappe wat voordelig sal wees vir die psigososiale funksionering van die gesin te identifiseer. Die ouers het ook 'n behoefte vir ouerondersteuningsgroepdienste by die hospitaal geïdentifiseer. Die inisiasie van beradingsdienste en ouerondersteuningsgroepdienste word aanbeveel.
Thesis (MPhil(Rehabilitation))--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Counseling, Psychosocial needs, Dissertations -- Rehabilitation, Theses -- Rehabilitation, Developmental disabilities -- Psychological aspects, Developmental neurobiology -- Psychological aspects, Parents of children with disabilities -- Psychology, Parents of children with disabilities -- Counseling of -- South Africa -- Cape Town