The recent introduction of two potentially pestiferious alien snails into South Africa and the outcomes of different pest management practices: an eradication and a colonization

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Academy of Science for South Africa
We record the introduction of two non-native helicid snail species into South Africa and discuss the potential pest risk associated with each, the different pest management responses to the initial discoveries and the contrasting outcomes of these procedures. The species concerned are Otala punctata (Müller, 1774) and Eobania vermiculata (Müller, 1774), the former now eradicated, the latter firmly established in the Eastern Cape Province and evidently spreading. The cost of the eradication programme was approximately R215 000 over three years in the late 1980s.
CITATION: Herbert, D. G. & Sirgel, W. F. 2001. The recent introduction of two potentially pestiferious alien snails into South Africa and the outcomes of different pest management practices: an eradication and a colonization. South African Journal of Science, 97.
Herbert, D. G. & Sirgel, W. F. 2001. The recent introduction of two potentially pestiferious alien snails into South Africa and the outcomes of different pest management practices: an eradication and a colonization. South African Journal of Science, 97.