Teaching students to reflect :an exploratory study of the introduction of reflective practice in a preservice teacher education course in a university environment

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In this article we report research addressing the facilitation of reflection amongst novice (pre-service) teachers. This study is based on the analysis of written reports of 35 second-year and 36 third-year Bachelor of Primary Education (BPrimEd) student cohorts during a brief teaching practice in the 1999 mid-semester teaching practicum. Pro forma's were provided to students as guidelines for the reflective process. Students were also provided with guidelines to keep a journal which would inform their reflection while at the schools. They were required to hand in an assignment detailing their reflection on some of the lessons they taught during the practicum. Most student reflections focused on more technical aspects of teaching and classroom management, which are discussed in the article. We include a brief review of reflection and reflective practice, discuss levels of reflection, a short description of method of course evelopment, a narration of findings, concluding remarks and propositions.
CITATION: Reddy, C. & Menkveld, H. 2000. Teaching students to reflect :an exploratory study of the introduction of reflective practice in a preservice teacher education course in a university environment. South African Journal of Higher Education, 14(3).
The original publication is available at https://journals.co.za/doi/10.10520/EJC36770
South African Journal of Higher Education