Extracting pædiatric cardiovascular information using a piezo-electric sensor

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is concerned with the development of a means of extracting cardiovascular information, such as heart rate, using a prescribed breathing monitor as source. The ability for a breathing monitor to monitor heart rate is to assist in diagnosis of certain cases of apnea which is not always detected when only monitoring breathing. An adaptive heartbeat detection system based on matched filtering is proposed which detects individual heartbeats from subjects with different physiological features. A heart rate estimation system is proposed which determines the heart rate by using the information obtained from the heartbeat detection system. Data was recorded from both adults and infants. The matched filtering heartbeat detection system was able to monitor the heart rate of adults to within less than 53 and infants within 133 of the actual heart rate as calculated using the electrocardiogram (ECG).
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word 'n metode aangebied om kardiale inligting (bv. hartkloptempo) te onttrek uit 'n voorgeskryfde asemhalingsmonitor. Die uiteindelike doel is om die asemhalingsensor- die vermoe te gee om sekere gevalle van apnee te diagnoseer wat nie altyd gei'dentifiseer kan word as daar van slegs asemhalingsmonitering gebruik gemaak word nie. 'n Aanpasbare hartklop waarnemingstelsel, wat gebaseer is op aangepaste filtrering, word voorgestel. Die stelsel kon hartkloppe onafhanklik waarneem nit data wat opgeneem is van verskeie vrywilligers met wisselende fisiologiese eienskappe. 'n Hartkloptempo-afskattingstelsel, wat die hartkloptempo bepaal deur gebruik te maak van die inligting afkomstig van die hartklopwaarnemingstelsel, word verder aangebied. Eksperimentele data was opgeneem van volwassenes en suigelinge. Die aangepaste filtering hartklopwaarnemingstelsel was in staat om die hartkloptempo van volwassenes korrek te bepaal binne 5 %, en die van suigelinge binne 13 %, van die werklike hartkloptempo soos bepaal deur 'n elektrokardiogram.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2008.
Cardiovascular system, Piezoelectric devices, Biosensors, Apnea