Die supervisor se aandeel in die professionele ontwikkeling van die maatskaplike werker binne die diensveld van traumaties liggaamlike gestremdheid

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The occurrence and nature of traumatic physical disablement necessitate social work intervention with these disabled. No existing framework for supervisors to assist generically trained social workers to develop professionally as social work experts in the service field of traumatic physically disabled could be found. Therefore the aim of this study is to establish a framework for the efficient role of the supervisor in the personnel management process in respect of the social worker who render social work services to the traumatic physically disabled. Traumatic physical disablement, adjustment to it, the impact of this disablement and the specific needs of such a disabled person is described from a social work perspective. The existing knowledge, skills and attitudes of the generically trained social worker which can be specifically utilized during intervention with the traumatic physically disabled is brought into focus. The personnel management process i.e. the obtaining of personnel, personnel development, utilization and evaluation whereby the supervisor can ensure that the social worker render quality and effective social work services in the service field of traumatic physical disablement is theoretically analysed. Exploratory research was done with the aid of a questionnaire at two specialist welfare organizations in the service field of the traumatic physically disabled. The nature of social work intervention and the effect of the personnel management process was thus determined amongst practising social workers in this specialized service field. Conclusions and recommendations are made regarding the broad service rendering field to the traumatic physically disabled. For social work intervention in this specialized service field generic social work knowledge and skills is being used in an integrating and integrated manner. A well planned and comprehensive personnel management program, in which the supervisor is included, is essential for effective social work intervention with the traumatic physically disabled.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorkoms en aard van traumaties liggaamlike gestremdheid noodsaak maatskaplikewerk-hulpverlening aan hierdie gestremdes. Geen bestaande raamwerk kon gevind word wat supervisors kan benut om generies opgeleide maatskaplike werkers professioneel te laat ontwikkel tot maatskaplikewerk-deskundiges binne die diensveld van traumaties liggaamlike gestremdesorg nie. Gevolglik was die doel met die studie om 'n raamwerk daar te stel vir die doeltreffende rol van 'n supervisor in die personeelbestuursproses ten opsigte van die maatskaplike werker wat hulp verleen aan 'n traumaties liggaamlik gestremde. Traumaties liggaamlike gestremdheid, die aanpassing daarby, die impak van hierdie gestremdheid en die spesifieke behoeftes van so 'n gestremde is vanuit 'n maatskaplikewerk-perspektief beskryf. Verder is daar gefokus op kennis, vaardighede en gesindhede waaroor die generies opgeleide maatskaplike werker beskik wat spesifiek benut kan word tydens hulpverlening aan die traumaties liggaamlik gestremde. Die personeelbestuursproses, naamlik personeelverkryging, -ontwikkeling, -benutting en -evaluering waardeur die supervisor kan verseker dat die maatskaplike werker binne die diensveld van traumaties liggaamlike gestremdheid kwaliteit en effektiewe dienste lewer, is teoreties ontleed. Met behulp van 'n vraelys is verkennende navorsing by twee spesialiswelsynsorganisasies binne die diensveld van traumaties liggaamlik gestremdes gedoen. Sodoende is daar by maatskaplike werkers, wat praktiese ervaring binne hierdie spesialisdiensveld het, vasgestel wat die aard van maatskaplikewerk-hulpverlening en die effek van die personeelbestuursproses is. Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings is gemaak oor traumaties liggaamlike gestremdheid wat 'n breë diensleweringsterrein is. Vir maatskaplikewerk-hulpverlening binne hierdie spesialisdiensveld word generiese maatskaplikewerk-kennis en -vaardighede op 'n geintegreerde en integrerende wyse benut. 'n Goed beplande en omvattende personeelbestuursprogram, waarby die supervisor betrek is, is noodsaaklik vir effektiewe maatskaplikewerk-hulpverlening aan die traumaties liggaamlik gestremde.
Tesis (M.A.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1993.
Social workers -- Supervision of -- South Africa, Social work with people with disabilities, Dissertations -- Social work