Spectral characteristics of stimulated Raman scattered radiation in a waveguide

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The spectral characteristics of stimulated Raman scattered radiation in a waveguide was investigated using a laser as source of pump radiation. The pump laser is focused into the waveguide to obtain a high intensity region necessary to enhance the Raman effect. The propagation of laser radiation through a medium was investigated as well as the coupling of the laser to the waveguide. A model which describes the transmission of laser radiation through the waveguide was derived and the parameters which influences the transmission were identified. The theory of the Raman scattering process was studied and the parameters which influence the gain factor for the process, were investigated. The influence of these parameters on the gain were experimentally determined and comparison was made with theoretical predictions. Various Stokes and Anti-Stokes orders with hydrogen as the Raman medium were measured and identified. Further studies were proposed involving the use of an interferometer to measure the spectral line profiles.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die spektraal eienskappe van gestimuleerde Ramanverstrooide straling in a golfgeleier is ondersoek deur 'n laser as bron van straling aan te wend. Die laser word gefokusser in die golfgeleier om 'n gebied van hoe intensiteit te voorsien wat noodsaaklik is om die Ramaneffek te versterk. Die voortplanting van laserstraling deur 'n medium is ondersoek sowel as die koppeling van die laser met die golfgeleier. 'n Model wat die transmissie van die laser deur die golfgeleier beskryf is afgelei, en die parameters wat 'n invloed op die transmissie het, is geldentifiseer. Die teorie van die Ramanproses is bestudeer en die faktore wat die Ramanwinsfaktor belnvloed, is vasgestel. Hierdie invloed is eksperimenteel ondersoek en vergelykings is getref met teoretiese voorspellings. Verskeie Stokes en Anti-Stokes or des in waterstof is gemeet en geldentifiseer. Verdere studies wat die gebruik van 'n interferometer behes om die spektraallynprofiele te meet, is voorgestel.
Thesis (M. Sc.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1992.
Raman spectroscopy, Raman effect, Laser beams, Wave guides, Dissertations -- Physics