The feasibility of traditional decision-making in a large local authority within an open system environment

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Decision-making, the process of choosing between alternatives, is the single most important function of management within any organisation whether it be in the private or public sector. Local government is located in a unique dynamic environment through the transformation of resources. The transformation process relies on a series of decision-making processes to ensure the continuation of this transformation process. In the view of the foregoing and the importance of decision-making, the effectiveness and efficiency of local government is often evaluated according to the success of its decision-making. The reliance of traditional decision-making presently found in local government is therefore questioned. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of traditional decision-making through the identifying of normative criteria regarded as necessary for effective and successful decision-making. A case study approach will be used from which actual decision cases will be analysed and evaluated in order to determine whether these criteria have been applied and to what extent. The conclusions will be based on the actual result of the decision taken.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Besluitneming, die proses om 'n keuse tussen alternatiewe uit te oefen, is die bestuur se enkele mees belangrikste funksie binne enige organisasie, hetsy in die openbare of privaat sektor. Plaaslike owerhede is geleë in 'n unieke, dinamiese omgewing en voorsien dienste aan die gemeenskap geleë in hierdie omgewing deur die omskepping van hulpbronne. Hierdie proses van omskepping maak staat op 'n reeks besluitnemingsprosesse wat die kontinuasie van sodanige omskeppingsproses verseker. In die lig van die voorafgaande, word die effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid van plaaslike owerhede dikwels gemeet aan die sukses van hulle besluitneming. Die afhanklikheid van die tradisionele besluitneming soos dit tans in plaaslike owerhede gevind word, word dus bevraagteken. Die doel van hierdie studie is derhalwe om die wenslikheid van tradisionele besluitneming deur middel van die identifisering van normatiewe kriteria wat as belangrik vir effektiewe en doeltreffende besluitneming beskou word, te bepaal. 'n Gevallestudiebenaderlng is derhalwe gebruik waarin werklike gevalle van besluitneming geanaliseer en geëvalueer sal word ten einde vas te stel of en in welke mate, bogemelde kriteria deeglik toegepas is. Die resultaat sal gebaseer word op die werklike sukses van hierdie besluite.
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Local government -- South Africa -- Bellville -- Decision making, Local government -- South Africa -- Decision-making, UCTD