Effect of flow maldistrubution on performance of induced and forced draft air-cooled heat exchangers

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Air-cooled heat exchangers of the forced and induced draft type have relative merits. Maldistribution is one of the important aspects that has to be considered when comparing the performance of these exchanger units and selecting the more suitable one for a particular application. This study is confined to air flow maldistribution and thermal maldistribution. An analysis, according to which the thermal performance of a cross-flow air-cooled heat exchanger can be evaluated, is presented. Both the experiment and the analysis reveal that the thermal performance deterioration due to maldistributed flow, as found in practical installations, is small. The axial flow fan used in induced draft is less efficient than in forced draft. Depending on a number of variables, the difference between the fan efficiencies can become greater. Also, the interaction between the fan and adjacent flow obstacles reduces the fan performance. The decline in performance that occurs, when flow resistances are added, is measured. The results are compared to available predictions regarding the deterioration of the fan performance under obstructed flow conditions.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geforseerde en geïduseerde trek tipe lugverkoelde warmteuitruilers het onderskeie voordelige eienskappe. Die lugvloeiverdeling deur die warmteuitruiler bundels van die twee stelsels moet in ag geneem word wanneer die vermoë met mekaar vergelyk word om die mees geskikte een vir 'n sekere toepassing te kies. Hierdie studie word beperk tot versteurde lugvloei- en temperatuurverdelings deur die warmteuitruilers. 'n Analise waarmee die vermoë van 'n lugverkoelde warmteuitruiler vir dwarsvloei toestande bepaal kan word, is ingesluit, Beide die eksperimente en die analise toon dat, in praktiese instal lasies, die afname in termiese vermoë as gevolg van versteurde vloeiverdelings klein is. Aksiaalwaaiers wat in lugverkoelde warmteuitruilers gebruik word, is minder effektief in geforseerde trek tipes. Daar gelnduseerde trek tipes as in is 'n aantal faktore wat hierdie versKil in waaiereffektiewiteit kan laat toeneem. Verder Kan die waaiervermoe verlaag wanneer obstruksies die lugvloei deur die waaier belemmer. Hierdie afname word gemeet en die resultate met beskikbare voorspellings vergelyk.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 1991.
Fans (Machinery) -- Mathematical models, Aerodynamics, Heat exchangers -- Cooling, Axial flow