Finite element analysis of a wing type structure with experimental verification of results.
Baumgartner, Edward Michael Ernst
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
INTRODUCTION: The advent of the high speed computer has revolutionized structural
design in all spheres of Engineering. Up till then structural stress
analysis was limited to over-simplification of the structure in question to comply with derived classical mathematical solutions.
In practice however the picture is very different, the structure
usually being complex and highly redundant in nature. The techniques
involving Energy Methods to solve such structures have been known for
a long time. However they required weeks of hand calculations to
solve only a small number of redundancies in a structure. Neville Shute
mentions this in his book Slide Rule.
The development of Matrix algebra and the finite element method has made
it possible to analyse, say, a complete aircraft structure in a matter
of days. using a large capacity high speed computer~
Experimental results have shown that finite element stress analysis comes
much closer to reality than the dated classical methods.
Thesis (MScEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 1976.
pt. A. Theory and computer program -- pt. B. Experimental.
pt. A. Theory and computer program -- pt. B. Experimental.
Structural analysis (Engineering), Finite element method, Airplanes -- Wings -- Computer programs, Dissertations -- Engineering