Botrytis cinerea bunch rot of table grapes : colonization and timing of fungicide application

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Colonization of table grape clusters by Botrytis cinerea, and the effects of various fungicide combinations on ~otrytis postharvest bunch rot of table grapes were investigated in a series of trials over a 5-year period. Fungicide dip treatments vs fungicide sprays, as an alternative to cover inner parts of closed clusters with fungicide and to eradicate B. cinerea from infected floral parts, were also evaluated. The study demonstrates the ineffectiveness jn the western Cape Province of early fungicide applications (bloom to marble size) to control Botrytis postharvest rot on table grapes. The disease was largely due to infection during storage by inoculum present in clusters at verasion or at later stages. Therefore the most beneficial times for the application of fungicides were from bunch closure to ripening. Procymidone and prochloraz were more effectively applied as a dip treatment at verasion than as a spray. ; Although fungicides were applied at different times in various programmes, they were ineffective in inhibiting infection during storage. Th~s was only achieved when grapes sprayed with fungicides were exposed to SO2 during the storage period. Gamma radiation, combined with an SO2 treatment, controlled postharvest Botrytis bunch rot of table grapes in cold storage more effectively than the standard practise of enclosing aq SO2 generator in boxes. Best control was obtained at a radiation dose of 2 kGy. Irradiation had no adverse effect on the quality of the grapes. The advisability of a limited fungicide programme with only two dicarboximide treatments, namely at vérasion and before harvest, is discussed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kolonisering van tafeldruiftrosse deur Botrytis cinerea, en die effek van verskillende fungisiedbespuitings op Botrytis naoesbederf van tafeldruiwe, is in 'n reeks van proewe oor 'n 5-jaar periode ondersoek. Fungisied doopbehandelings vs fungisiedbespuitings, as 'n alternatief om die binnedele van toe trosse met die chemikalie te bedek, en om B. cinerea vanaf geïnfekteerde blomdele uit te wis, is ook geëvalueer. Botrytis naoesbederf van tafeldruiwe kon nie in die westelike Kaapprovinsie met vroeë fungisiedbehandelings (blom tot albaster grootte) beheer word nie. Die siekte is die gevolg van infeksie gedurende opberging deur inokulum aanwesig op trosse tydens deurslaan of latere ontwikkelingstadia. Daarom was die mees gepaste tyd vir fungisiedtoediening vanaf korrelset tot met rypwording. Tydens deurslaan was procymidone en prochloraz meer effektief indien as 'n doopbehandeling toegedien. Alhoewel fungisides op verskillende tye, en in verskillende programme toegedien is, kon dit nie infeksie gedurende opberging stopsit nie. Dit is wel verkry wanneer fungisiedbespuite druiwe aan SO2 tydens opberging blootgestel is. Gammabestraling, in kombinasie met SO2-beroking, beheer Botrytis naoesbederf van tafeldruiwe meer effektief as die standaard praktyk waar 'n SO2-vel in die verpakking ingesluit word. Die beste beheer is verkry met bestraling teen 'n dosis van 2kGy. Gammabestraling het nie die kwaliteit van die druiwe nadeling beïnvloed nie. Die voordele van 'n beperkte fungisiedspuitprogram met slegs twee dikarboksimied-toedienings, naamlik met deurslaan en voor oes, word bespreek.
Thesis (M. Sc. Agric.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1989.
Grapes -- Diseases and pests, Botrytis cinerea, Fungicides, Dissertations -- Agriculture, UCTD