Die potensiaal van tolking in die Fakulteit Lettere en Sosiale Wetenskappe (US) : die departement Maatskaplike Werk as gevallestudie

Clausen, Marna
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As can be seen from the very different language backgrounds of their students, tertiary institutions in South Africa have become increasingly diverse in the past few years. Consequently, their campuses are now multilingual in character and there is increasing pressure on these institutions to use more than one language of instruction. As part of the solution to this issue, the North-West University (NWU) has introduced classroom interpreting. At present, it is the only South African university that uses full-scale classroom interpreting. Other universities who use classroom interpreting (among them the University of the Free State) are currently doing so only in pilot projects. This study investigates the possibility of using interpreting at Stellenbosch University, and more specifically in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. It focuses on the receptiveness to and the potential of such a practice as well as on its logistic implications. In addition, the study explores the successes in using interpreting during lectures as well as the hindrances in doing so. It also explores the links between the language policy of the University and classroom interpreting and whether this practice is at all attainable in the faculty in question. The empirical part of the study involved an experiment in the first half of the first semester in 2010 in the Department of Social Work in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences to determine whether it would be feasible to use interpreting during lectures. An interpreting service was used to interpret lectures on various occasions in a second year as well as a third year class. The type of interpreting used was whisper interpreting with Sennheiser equipment. The study found that it would indeed be possible to have an interpreting service during lectures. Although a few problems were highlighted, they were shown to be surmountable. The majority of students who took part in the trial expressed a need for an interpreting service, even though they were happy with the University’s language policy. One of the conclusions reached is that close cooperation between the interpreter and the lecturer is of cardinal importance because it creates a relationship of trust, which in turn helps to ensure that the interpreting service is successfully implemented.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tersiêre instellings in Suid-Afrika het die afgelope paar jaar toenemend meer divers geraak soos blyk uit studente se uiteenlopende taalagtergronde. Dit het daartoe gelei dat kampusse tans gekenmerk word deur meertaligheid en dat daar toenemende druk op hierdie instellings is om onderrig in meer as een taal aan te bied. As deel van die oplossing vir hierdie kwessie het die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) klaskamertolking geïmplementeer. Gevolglik is die NWU tans die enigste Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit wat volskaals van klaskamertolking gebruik maak. Ander universiteite (waaronder die Universiteit van die Vrystaat) gebruik ook klaskamertolking, maar tans slegs as ’n loodsprojek. Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na die moontlikheid van tolking aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch, en meer spesifiek in die Fakulteit Lettere en Sosiale Wetenskappe. Die studie fokus op die ontvanklikheid vir en potensiaal van sodanige praktyk sowel as die logistiese implikasies daarvan. Buiten laasgenoemde fokus die studie ook daarop om die suksesse van asook struikelblokke in die toepassing van tolking tydens lesings vas te stel. Daar word gekyk na hoe die taalbeleid van die Universiteit met klaskamertolking skakel en of sodanige praktyk hoegenaamd haalbaar is in die betrokke fakulteit. Die empiriese gedeelte van die studie behels dat daar gedurende die eerste helfte van die eerste semester van 2010 ’n proef gedoen is in die Departement Maatskaplike Werk in die Fakulteit Lettere en Sosiale Wetenskappe ten einde die haalbaarheid van tolkpraktyk tydens lesings vas te stel. Daar is van ’n tolkdiens gebruik gemaak en daar is tydens verskillende geleenthede oor ’n bepaalde tydperk in ’n tweedejaars- sowel as ’n derdejaarsklas getolk. Die tipe tolking wat plaasgevind het, was fluistertolking met behulp van Sennheisertolktoerusting. Die studie bevind dat ’n tolkdiens tydens lesings wel moontlik is. Enkele oorkombare probleme is ook uitgelig. Die meerderheid studente wat aan die proef deelgeneem het, het ’n behoefte aan ’n tolkdiens, selfs al is hulle tevrede met die Universiteit se taalbeleid. Een van die gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom word, is dat noue samewerking tussen die tolk en die dosent van kardinale belang is aangesien dit ’n vertrouensverhouding skep wat op sy beurt die suksesvolle toepassing van die tolkdiens help verseker.
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.
Klaskamertolking -- Tersiêre instellings, Translating and interpreting -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Stellenbosch, Dissertations -- Afrikaans language, Theses -- Afrikaans language