Perception of risk of HIV/AIDS among widows using the Ndlovu Medical Centre, Elandsdoorn, Limpopo Province

Amosun, Durotolu Motunrayo
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research was conducted at Ndlovu Medical Centre, Elansdoorn; Elias Motswaledi municipality district in the Limpopo Province of South Africa using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data was collected from 30 widows. It is wrong to assume that decision-making and behaviour are always rational. The study finding shows that risk perception is influenced by social and economic factors such as relationships, community expectations, and access to resources. These have a major impact on behaviour, and may prevent individuals from adopting safe sex practices that prevent HIV/AIDS transmission; thereby making risky behaviour a social rather than an individual issue. Public health measures to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS must be re-evaluated with consideration for ways in which factors beyond the individual shapes risk perception. In using the Pressure and Response model as a guide, vulnerability among widows can be managed and reduced by addressing root causes, dynamic pressures, and unsafe conditions that contribute to the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing is uitgevoer by Ndlovu Mediese Sentrum in Elansdoorn wat in die Elias Motswaledi munisipale distrik in die Limpopo Provinsie geleë is. 'n Semi-gestruktureerde vraelys is gebruik om data in te samel van 30 weduwees. Die studie-uitslag dui aan dat risiko-persepsie beïnvloed word deur sosiale en ekonomiese faktore soos verhoudings, gemeenskapsverwagtinge en toegang tot hulpbronne. Dit het 'n groot invloed op gedrag en kan voorkom dat individue veilige seksuele praktyke sal aanneem wat MIV/VIGS verspreiding kan verhoed. Hierdie gevaarlike gedrag is 'n sosiale eerder as 'n individuele problem. Openbare gesondheidsmaatreëls om die verspreiding van MIV/VIGS te bekamp, moet herevalueer word, met inagneming van maniere waarop faktore buite die individu risiko persepsie vorm. Deur die ―Pressure and Respone model te gebruik as 'n gids, kan kwesbaarheid onder weduwees bestuur word en verminder word deur die aanspreking van orderliggende oorsake, dinamiese druk en onveilige toestande wat bydra tot die MIV/VIGS –pandemie.
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.
Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Assignments -- HIV/AIDS management, Widows -- Sexual behavior -- South Africa -- Limopo, Risk perception, HIV/AIDS -- Prevention -- South Africa -- Limpopo