An investigation of the utilisation of condoms among patients on antiretroviral therapy at Aliwal North Hospital as a prevention method against HIV re-infection

Sandlana, Simphiwe Dennis
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main objective during the study was to determine the extent to which patients that are on antiretroviral therapy use condoms during sexual engagement as a prevention tool against HIV re-infection, factors associated with non use of condoms and perceptions towards the use thereof. This quantitative study was carried out at Aliwal North Hospital, in the Joe Gqabi District Municipality of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire with open and closed type questions where a total of 57 participants were given a survey questionnaire to complete. Data was analysed using the tallying method. Results show that the adherence to condom use at last sexual experience by patients on ART was 70%. Based on these findings, recommendations are made that to enhance condom use for patients on ART, the government and other stakeholders should craft programmes that reinforce and promote public confidence in the effectiveness of condoms, intensify health education campaigns against stigma and promote communication and disclosure among sexual partners. Condom supply and distribution should be changed so that condoms are more easily accessible to high-risk groups. Recognising the pivotal role played by Lay Counsellors, it is important to ensure that the counselling skills of Lay Counsellors in all public health facilities are enhanced so that they can offer a quality service.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoof doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel tot watter mate pasiënte wat op retrovirale terapie is, tydens seks gebruik maak van kondome as voorkomende maatreêl, asook die faktore wat assosieer word met die nie-gebruik van kondome en die persepsie van die gebruik van kondome . Hierdie kwantitiewe studie is by die Aliwal Noord Hospital in die Joe Gqabi Distriksmunisipaliteit van die Oos-Kaap Provinsie uitgevoer. Data is met die gebruik van ‟n gestruktueerde vraelys met oop en geslote vrae versamel en 57 pasiënte het die vraelys voltooi. Die data is ontleed deur gebruik te maak van die telmetode (Tallying method). Die resultate bewys dat 70% van die respondente wat antiretrovirale terapie ondergaan, kondome gebruik het met hul laaste seksuele omgang. Gebaseer op hierdie bevindinge word daar aanbeveel om die pasiënte wat terapie ontvang aan te moedig, die regering en ander betrokkenes programme moet ontwerp wat die vertroue van die publiek in die effektiwiteit van kondome help bou, wat gesondheidsopvoeding teen stigmatisering verhoog en wat kommunikasie en openbaring tussen seksmaats aanmoedig. Die verspreiding van kondome moet verbeter word sodat dit makliker beskikbaar is vir hoë risiko groepe. Aangesien leke-raadgewers so ‟n belangrike rol speel in openbare gesondheid, moet hulle gehelp word om meer bedrewe te raak en om sodoende ‟n gehalte diens te lewer.
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.
Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Assignments -- HIV/AIDS management, Condom use -- South Africa -- Aliwal North, HIV reinfection -- Prevention -- South Africa -- Aliwal North