'n Evaluering van sommige plantkundige faktore wat kleinwild-digthede in die Weskus Nasionale Park beinvloed

Heydenrych, Aneria Janine
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A map of the different plant communities in a part of the West Coast National Park (WCNP) is presented. The approach of the Zurich-Montpellier school is used for the phytosociological studies. Thirty plant communities are described and related to environmental factors. One new alliance, two sub-alliances, seventeen associations, seven sub-associations and three variations are described. It is suggested that the Willdenowio -- Diospyretum austro-africanae is raised to alliance level and the Eucleo -- lschyrolepion eleocharidis lowered to sub-alliance level. The different floristic groups in which the plant communities fell were Strandveld, Proto-fynbos, marsh, strand and ecotones between Strandveld and Fynbos. A further extensive survey was conducted in the Postberg Nature Reserve (PNR), which forms part of the West Coast National Park, to determine the possible cause of decline in small antelope numbers (duiker, grysbok and steenbok). The potential production of the vegetation of the Postberg Nature Reserve is about 561.64 kg DM/ha/yr. Rumen analyses of the small antelopes were performed in an attempt to assess the possible relationship between plants and animals. It is found that the small antelope utilizes a big spectrum of plants. Different plant communities were structurally examined and it is proved that the steenbok are bolder than the other two small antelope and are prepared to feed in areas having a lower plant density. Duiker and grysbok preferentially prefer plant communities taller than 60 cm. KEYWORDS Braun-Blanquet, community structure, distribution, Fynbos Biome, habitat, plant communities, Raphicerus campestris, Raphicerus melanotis, Strandveld, Sylvicapra grimmia.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Plantgemeenskapskaart is vir 'n deel van die Weskus Nasionale Park (WNP) opgetrek. Die Zurich-Montpellier fitososiologiese benadering is gebruik om die plantegroei te analiseer en te beskrywe. Dertig plantgemeenskappe is geklassifiseer, beskryf, gekarakteriseer en ekologies geinterpreteer. Ben nu we alliansie, twee sub-alliansies, sewentien assosiasies, sewe subassosiasies en drie variasies is beskryf. Daar is voorgestel dat die Willdenowio -- Diospyretum austro-africanae tot alliansievlak verhoog en die Eucleo -- Ischyrolepion eleocharidis na suballiansievlak verlaag word. Die verskillende floristiese groepe waarin hierdie plantgemeenskappe geval het bestaan uit Strandveld, Protofynbos, strand-, vleiland-, en ekotone tussen Strandveld en Fynbos. 'n Verdere intensiewe studie is in die Postberg Natuurreservaat (PNR), wat deel uitmaak van die Weskus Nasionale Park, ondemeem om 'n moontlike verklaring te vind vir die afname van kleinwildsoorte (duiker, grysbok en steenbok). Die produksiepotensiaal van die Postberg Natuurreservaat (PNR) is bepaal op ongeveer 561.64 kg DM/ha/jaar. Maaginhoud ontledings van die kleinwildsoorte is gebruik om 'n moontlike verhouding tussen plant en dier te bepaal. Daar is bevind dat die kleinwildsoorte 'n groot spektrum van plante kan benut. Verskillende plantgemeenskappe is t.o.v. plantegroeistruktuur ondersoek en daar is bewys dat die steenbok minder skugter as die grysbok en duiker is en in oop areas, met 'n laer plantdigtheid, sal beweeg. Die duiker en grysbok verkies plantgemeenskappe wat meer as 60 cm hoog is. TREFWOORDE Braun-Blanquet, Fynbosbioom, gemeenskapstruktuur, habitat, plantgemeenskappe, Raphicerus campestris, Raphicerus melanotis, Strandveld, Sylvicapra grimmia, verspreiding.
Tesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 1995.
Botany -- South Africa -- West Coast National Park, Plant communities -- South Africa -- West Coast National Park, Zoology -- South Africa -- West Coast National Park, West Coast National Park (South Africa), Dissertations -- Botany, Theses -- Botany