Kernel support for embedded reactive systems

Ackerman, M. C . (Marthinus Casper)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reactive systems are event driven state machines which usually do not terminate, but remain in perpetual interaction with their environment. Such systems usually interact 'With devices which introduce a high degree of concurrency and some real time constraints to the system. Because of the concurrent nature of reactive systems they are commonly implemented as communicating concurrent processes on one or more processors. Jeffay introduces a design paradigm which requires consumer processes to consume messages faster than they are produced by producer processes. If this is guaranteed, the real time constraints of such .. system are always met, and the correctness of the process interaction is guaranteed in terms of the message passing semantics. I developed the ESE kernel, which supports Jeffay systems by providing lightweight processes which communicate over asynchronous channels. Processes are scheduled non-preemptively according to the earliest deadline first policy when they have messages pending on their input channels. The Jeffay design method and the ESE kernel have been found to be highly suitable to implement embedded reactive systems. The general requirements of embedded reactive systems, and kernel support required by such systems, are discussed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reaktiewe stelsels is toeatandsoutomate wat aangedryf word deur gebeure in hul omgewins. So 'n stelsel termineer gewoonlik nie, maar bly in 'n voortdurende wisselwerking met toestelle in sy omgewing. Toestelle in die omgewing van 'n reaktiewe stelsel veroorsaak in die algemeen 'n hoë mate van gelyklopendheid in die stelsel, en plaas gewoonlik sekere intydse beperkings op die stelsel. Gelyklopende stelsels word gewoonlik as stelsel. van kommunikerende prosesse geïmplementeer op een of meer prosessors. Jeffay beskryf 'n ontwerpsmetodologie waarvolgens die ontvanger van boodskappe hulle vinniger moet verwerk as wat die sender hulle kan stuur. Indien hierdie gedrag tussen alle pare kommunikerende prosesse gewaarborg kan word, sal die stelsel altyd sy intydse beperkings gehoorsaam, en word die korrektheid van interaksies tussen prosesse deur die semantiek van die boodskapwisseling gewaarborg. Die "ESE" bedryfstelselkern wat ek ontwikkel het, ondersteun stelsels wat ontwerp en geïmplementeer word volgens Jeffay se metode. Prosesse kommunikeer oor asinkrone kanale, en die ontvanger van die boodskap met die vroegste keertyd word altyd eerste geskeduleer. Jeffay se ontwerpsmetode en die "ESE" kern blyk in die praktyk baie geskik te wees vir reaktiewe stelsels wat as substelsels van groter stelsels uitvoer. Die vereistes van reaktiewe substelsels, en die kemondersteuning wat daarvoor nodig is, word bespreek.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University , 1993.
Operating systems (Computers), Dissertations -- Computer science, Theses -- Computer science, Dissertations -- Mathematical sciences, Theses -- Mathematical sciences